Java Bufferedimage Getting Red, Green and Blue Individually

Java BufferedImage getting red, green and blue individually

Java's Color class can do the conversion:

Color c = new Color(image.getRGB());
int red = c.getRed();
int green = c.getGreen();
int blue = c.getBlue();

Isolating Red/Green/Blue Channel in Java BufferedImage

Color in java is defined in a packed integer,that is in a 32 bit integer the first 8 bits are alpha, next 8 are red, next 8 are green and last 8 are blue.

Suppose the following is an 32 bit integer representing a color.Then,

^Alpha ^Red ^Green ^Blue

That is, each of alpha, red, green and blue are basically 8 bits with values from 0 to 255 (the color range). So when you would want to combine these individual components back into the 32 bit integer color you should write

color=alpha<<24 | red<<16 | green<<8 | blue

So as per the rules change the code to the following

newPixel = newPixel | iRed<<16;
//Can also write newPixel=iRed , since newPixel is always 0 before this

newPixel = newPixel | iGreen<<8;

newPixel = newPixel | iBlue;

Note : I have ORed the newPixel before each component to allow display of multiple channels simultaneously, i.e you could display red and green with blue turned off.


The second error you are getting is due to the fact that you are not resetting the value of newPixel after each iteration. So to fix it add the line newPixel=0 within the loop.
Your code should be

newPixel=0; //Add this line
iAlpha=new Color(img.getRGB(x, y)).getAlpha();
iRed=new Color(img.getRGB(x, y)).getRed();
iGreen=new Color(img.getRGB(x, y)).getGreen();
iBlue=new Color(img.getRGB(x, y)).getBlue();

For added efficiency I would suggest using bitshifts for obtaining the red, green, blue, and the alpha.

int rgb = img.getRGB(x,y);
iAlpha = rgb>>24 & 0xff;
iRed = rgb >>16 & 0xff;
iGreen = rgb>>8 & 0xff;
iBlue = rgb & 0xff;

This code would run faster as it does not creates 4 Color objects for each pixel in the source image

Java - Red, Green, Blue to getRGB

Using the Color class:

new Color(r, g, b).getRGB()

Converting Red, Green and Blue to RGB

Abdul's answer is great, but it can be really slow when creating new objects of class Color thousands of times. The simplest way would be:

int rgb = (red << 16 | green << 8 | blue);

Using Red and Blue values to colour a pixel (BufferedImage)?

You question is really unclear. Ask your teacher what it is you are trying to achieve and then maybe we can help doing so. Here are some elements that can help you.

Get red, green and blue for an RGB number

You got the first part almost right. Remember the colors returned by getRGB() are on 8 bits each, so here is how to get them:

int red = (rgb[i][j] >> 16) & 0xFF; 
int green = (rgb[i][j] >> 8) & 0xFF;
int blue = rgb[i][j] & 0xFF;

Build an RGB number from red, green and blue values

If your problem is how to recombine rgb colors into one number, here is how to do that:

pixelColor = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue

Doing what you want with it

The average of red and blue is really obvious, this is the formula you pointed out:

int average = (red + blue) / 2;

If what you want is a purple pixel using the average of red and green, then you just have to set red and blue to the average value, and green to 0:

int pixelColor = (average << 16) + average // using average for red and blue, and 0 for green

EDIT: Seems that you don't want to take out the green after all.

int pixelColor = (average << 16) + (green << 8) + average // using average for red and blue, and keep the green unchanged

EDIT: Or maybe you want the green to take the average of red and blue?

int pixelColor = (red << 16) + (average << 8) + blue; // keep red and bllue, and put their average as the green color

Which byte(Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) is wrong when converting byte array with color space of 8BitARGB to BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR

In the code for ARGB_to_ABGR you probably wanted to write i % 4 where you now have length % 4. As it is currently, I guess it is doing nothing at all.

get colour of pixel in buffered image in the form of a color object

Check out the Color API.

You can create a Color object using the rgb value returned from the buffered image getRGB(...) method.

Picasso showing blue red and green arrows on top corner

Use picasso.setIndicatorsEnabled(false)

.into(imgView, new Callback()
public void onSuccess()

public void onError()
.into(imgView, new Callback()
public void onSuccess()

public void onError()

The color shows the source of image which is being displayed

Red color indicates that image is fetched from network.

Green color indicates that image is fetched from cache memory.

Blue color indicates that image is fetched from disk memory.

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