Is There a "Word Wrap" Property for Jlabel

Is there a word wrap property for JLabel?

Should work if you wrap the text in <html>...</html>

You should probably set maximum size, too, then.

How to word wrap text in JLabel?

A common approach is to not use a JLabel and instead use a JTextArea with word-wrap and line-wrap turned on. You could then decorate the JTextArea to make it look like a JLabel (border, background color, etc.). [Edited to include line-wrap for completeness per DSquare's comment]

Another approach is to use HTML in your label, as seen here. The caveats there are

  1. You may have to take care of certain characters that HTML may interpret/convert from plain text

  2. Calling myLabel.getText() will now contain HTML (with possibly
    escaped and/or converted characters due to #1

EDIT: Here's an example for the JTextArea approach:

Sample Image

import javax.swing.*;

public class JLabelLongTextDemo implements Runnable
public static void main(String args[])
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new JLabelLongTextDemo());

public void run()
JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello");

String text = "Is There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for Jlabelaaaa";
// String text = "Is There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for JlabelIs There a "Word Wrap" Property for Jlabelaaaaaa " +
// "quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";

JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(2, 20);

JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.getContentPane().add(label, BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.getContentPane().add(textArea, BorderLayout.CENTER);

make a JLabel wrap it's text by setting a max width


You can use HTML in the label, but then you must hard code the break tag.

A better approach is to use a JTextArea and turn wrapping on. You can change the background,foreground, font etc. of the text are to make it look like a label.

Note, this answer is outdated as of at least Java 7.

As per @darren's answer, you simply need to wrap the string with <html> and </html> tags:

myLabel.setText("<html>"+ myString +"</html>");

You do not need to hard-code any break tags. The text wraps as the component resizes.

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