In Java, How to Define an Integer Constant in Binary Format

In Java, can I define an integer constant in binary format?

So, with the release of Java SE 7, binary notation comes standard out of the box. The syntax is quite straight forward and obvious if you have a decent understanding of binary:

byte fourTimesThree = 0b1100;
byte data = 0b0000110011;
short number = 0b111111111111111;
int overflow = 0b10101010101010101010101010101011;
long bow = 0b101010101010101010101010101010111L;

And specifically on the point of declaring class level variables as binaries, there's absolutely no problem initializing a static variable using binary notation either:

public static final int thingy = 0b0101;

Just be careful not to overflow the numbers with too much data, or else you'll get a compiler error:

byte data = 0b1100110011; // Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte

Now, if you really want to get fancy, you can combine that other neat new feature in Java 7 known as numeric literals with underscores. Take a look at these fancy examples of binary notation with literal underscores:

int overflow = 0b1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1010_1011;
long bow = 0b1__01010101__01010101__01010101__01010111L;

Now isn't that nice and clean, not to mention highly readable?

I pulled these code snippets from a little article I wrote about the topic over at TheServerSide. Feel free to check it out for more details:

Java 7 and Binary Notation: Mastering the OCP Java Programmer (OCPJP) Exam

Declaring a binary integer constant

If you are using Java 7 or higher, you can specify binary constants by prepending "0b" to your value, e.g.:

long value = 0b000100110011010001010111011110011001101110111100110111111110001L;

If that language feature is not available to you, you can use decimal, octal, or hexadecimal notation, however. If you're just declaring constants, you can use an online tool such as, or perhaps your favorite calculator, to convert to a radix that Java recognizes.

For example:

long value = 691913582662545393L;


long value = 0x99A2BBCCDDE6FF1L;

You may want to clarify by describing what that value means in a comment:

// binary: 000100110011010001010111011110011001101110111100110111111110001
long value = 0x99A2BBCCDDE6FF1L;

As you may have noticed from the above examples, you will need to use a long and add the L suffix to your constant. In Java, int is 32-bit and long is 64-bit. The L suffix specifies a long literal, without it, it is an int and the value would be too large.

P.S. Integer literals starting with "0" (but not "0x" or "0b") are interpreted as octal. The constant you originally attempted to specify was interpreted as a very large octal number.

How to write something in binary and assign it to a variable?

In Java 7, you can do

int a = 0b00000010;

However if you're working with an older version, I'm afraid you're stuck with

int a = Integer.parseInt("00000010", 2);

Are there binary literals in Java?

Starting with Java 7 you can represent integer numbers directly as binary numbers, using the form 0b (or 0B) followed by one or more binary digits (0 or 1). For example, 0b101010 is the integer 42. Like octal and hex numbers, binary literals may represent negative numbers.

If you do not have Java 7 use this:

int val = Integer.parseInt("001101", 2);

There are other ways to enter integer numbers:

  1. As decimal numbers such as 1995, 51966. Negative decimal numbers such as -42 are actually expressions consisting of the integer literal with the unary negation operation.

  2. As octal numbers, using a leading 0 (zero) digit and one or more additional octal digits (digits between 0 and 7), such as 077. Octal numbers may evaluate to negative numbers; for example 037777777770 is actually the decimal value -8.

  3. As hexadecimal numbers, using the form 0x (or 0X) followed by one or more hexadecimal digits (digits from 0 to 9, a to f or A to F). For example, 0xCAFEBABEL is the long integer 3405691582. Like octal numbers, hexadecimal literals may represent negative numbers.

More details can be found in this Wikibook.

What does a number like this mean in Java: 0b1000_1100_1010? (The b between the numbers)

This is the binary literal.

It's a notation to show that the number is represented in binary.

It's like when you use the hexadecimal notation: 0xF9. In Java, you can use 0b1111_1001 to represent the same number, which is 249 in decimal.

It's not related to bytes, but to bits. You can clearly see which bits are set and which are not. By default a number starting with 0b is an int, but you can write a long like this 0b1010L (note the trailing L).

The b can be lowercase or uppercase. So this is also valid: 0B1111. Note that since the 0b prefix indicates a binary representation, you're not allowed to use any character other than 0 and 1 (and _ to mark a separation).

storing charcter and binary number in a hash map

You just can't store them with leading zero. Leading zero to an integer indicates that it's an octal number.

Since your next step is XOR, I recommend this approach.

  1. You can store these integers using simple base 10 numbers. We will convert them when needed as binary. (you can also store them simply as binary with leading 0b. See this answer for more details.
  2. Use Integer.toString(hm.get(s), 2); to display binary number. The original number is still an Integer so you can use it for XOR operation.
  3. For displaying binary with leading zero, I've played with some string methods like this:

    String temp = "000", binary;
    for( String s : input ) {
    binary = Integer.toString(hm.get(s), 2);
    System.out.print(temp.substring(0, 3-binary.length()) + binary +" ");

Here's what the final code looks like:


Binary form of text is ....
001 000 010 100 001 010 111 100 000 101


import java.util.*;

public class onetimepad {
public static void main(String args[]) {
HashMap <String , Integer>hm = new HashMap <String , Integer> ();
hm.put("e", 0); //or use hm.put("e", 0b000);
hm.put("h", 1); //or use hm.put("e", 0b001);
hm.put("i", 2);
hm.put("k", 3);
hm.put("l", 4);
hm.put("r", 5);
hm.put("s", 6);
hm.put("t", 7);

String[] key = { "t" ,"r" , "s" , "r","t","l","e", "r","s","e"};
//key = t r s r t l e r s e
String[] input = {"h","e","i" ,"l","h","i","t","l","e","r"};
int[] cipher = new int[10];
System.out.println("Binary form of text is ....");

String temp = "000", binary;
for( String s : input ) {
binary = Integer.toString(hm.get(s), 2);
System.out.print(temp.substring(0, 3-binary.length()) + binary +" ");

Binary literals?

I'd use a bit shift operator:

const int has_nukes        = 1<<0;
const int has_bio_weapons = 1<<1;
const int has_chem_weapons = 1<<2;
// ...
int dangerous_mask = has_nukes | has_bio_weapons | has_chem_weapons;
bool is_dangerous = (country->flags & dangerous_mask) == dangerous_mask;

It is even better than flood of 0's.

(Java) Specify number of bits (length) when converting binary number to string?

Use Integer.toBinaryString() then check the string length and prepend it with as many zeros as you need to make your desired length.

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