In Activity.Oncreate(), Why Does Intent.Getextras() Sometimes Return Null

In Activity.onCreate(), why does Intent.getExtras() sometimes return null?

This was probably a false alarm; it's more likely due to our own instance variable being null:

class ToActivity extends Activity {

public static final String SERVER_PARAM = "server";
public static final String UUID_PARAM = "uuid";
public static final String TEMPLATE_PARAM = "template";

private State state;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
state = initializeState();

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras == null) {

// do stuff with state and extras

Why Activity getIntent().getExtras() will return null sometimes?

This could be a buggy ACTION_SEND implementation that failed to attach any extras. This could be some automated script — or script kiddie — manually invoking your activity without any extras.

Since the activity is exported, I recommend some "defensive programming". Do not assume the existence of an extras Bundle. Instead, "gracefully degrade" as best you can in that case.

getIntent.getExtras() does not return null but has no values.

Try adding the extra variable to intent rather than in Bundle

 i.putExtra(KEY_1, a);
i.putExtra(KEY_2, b);
i.putExtra(KEY_3, c);

Then retrieve it from other activity from intent

  getIntent().getStringExtra(KEY_1) ;

getIntent().getExtras() sometimes crashing in Activity

This was a bug in AOSP which was fixed after Android 7. Here is the reason in the commit message:

Fix for race in writeToParcel and unparcel

Don't access the parcelled data while it might be recycled by another

Also make a local reference of mMap, which could be modified by
another thread.

Intent.putExtras() just return null

You should aware that bundle is using key value pair, so if you create

bundle.putString("params", "okay");

the key is params and value is okay

And to get the value you should use the same key.

String _getData = extras.getString("params");

Bundle extra is returning NULL

startActivityForResult()'s 3rd argument(Bundle option) is not "extra" bundles.

See Context#startActivity(Intent, Bundle) for detail.
That is launch configuration.

use Intent#putExtra(String, boolean) for boolean extras.

Intent intent = new Intent(Add_Product_Page.this, CategoryListActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("for_result", true);
startActivityForResult(intent, GET_CATEGORY);


boolean b = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("for_result", false);

This is equivalant to

boolean b = getIntent().getExtras().getBoolean("for_result");

Also you can check intent has extra parameter or not:


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