How to Use Linux Shared Libraries in Java

How can I use Linux shared libraries in Java?

The answer is "JNI" :)

Here are a couple of links:

  • How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux?



How to link shared library to another shared library

Let's decode your symbol:

$ c++filt _ZN5vatps6PosAPI8sendDataB5cxx11Ev

So, your code expects sendData with std::string with C++11 ABI, whereas provides sendData with pre-C++11 ABI std::string.

abi:cxx11 hints to GCC5 and the C++11 ABI:

Users that depend on third-party libraries or plugin interfaces that still use the old ABI can build their code with -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 and everything should work fine. In most cases, it will be obvious when this flag is needed because of errors from the linker complaining about unresolved symbols involving __cxx11.

Java: load shared libraries with dependencies


I have found an acceptable solution in the end, but not without significant amount of hoops. What I do is

  1. Use the normal JNA mechanism to map the dlopen() function from the dynamic linking library (
  2. Use the dlopen() function mapped in with JNA to load external libraries "ext1" and "ext2" with the option RTLD_GLOBAL set.

It actually seems to work :-)

Shared library on Linux does not contain reference to one of its dependencies

Your version of cc (or the link editor used by it) seem to default to -Wl,--as-neeeded. In this case, the command line order matters. If -lcpdf comes first, there are no references to its symbols yet, and so no dependency is created. -l arguments should come last:

cc -shared -fpic -I$JAVA_HOME/include I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux jcpdfwrapper.c -o -L. -lcpdf

Java program that access C++ shared library that uses OpenCV

According to the Makefiles in your gist, the problem seems to be that the pkg-config --libs --cflags opencv, which adds a bunch of -l library arguments to the linker, is mentioned before the objects that actually depend on those libraries. In your Makefile, the easiest fix would be to move your $(INCLUDES) reference to the end of the commands, after $(LIBS).

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