How to Remove Leading Zeros from Alphanumeric Text

How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text in excel



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How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

Regex is the best tool for the job; what it should be depends on the problem specification. The following removes leading zeroes, but leaves one if necessary (i.e. it wouldn't just turn "0" to a blank string).

s.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "")

The ^ anchor will make sure that the 0+ being matched is at the beginning of the input. The (?!$) negative lookahead ensures that not the entire string will be matched.

Test harness:

String[] in = {
"01234", // "[1234]"
"0001234a", // "[1234a]"
"101234", // "[101234]"
"000002829839", // "[2829839]"
"0", // "[0]"
"0000000", // "[0]"
"0000009", // "[9]"
"000000z", // "[z]"
"000000.z", // "[.z]"
for (String s : in) {
System.out.println("[" + s.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "") + "]");

See also


    • repetitions, lookarounds, and anchors
  • String.replaceFirst(String regex)

How to remove leading zeros from 'negative' alphanumeric string

You can use

"00000050.43".replaceFirst("^(-?)0+(?!$)", "$1")

The ^(-?)0+(?!$) pattern will match

  • ^ - start of string
  • (-?) - Group 1 ($1 in the replacement pattern will refer to this group value, if there is a - matched, it will be restored in the resulting string): an optional -
  • 0+ - one or more zeros
  • (?!$) - no end of string position immediately on the right allowed.

See this regex demo.

remove leading zeros in alphanumeric string in java

You could use the following regex:
This matches 1 or more 0's at the start of a string. If a zero is followed by a dash, it doesn't count.

Since the last zero in 000-xxxx is followed by a dash, it's kept.
You can test the regex at something like

Removing leading zeros from alphanumeric characters in R

You could use a negative lookbehind to eliminate 0 unless preceded by a digit:

> d <- c("100001", "012309 template", "separate 00340", "00045", "890 098", "3405 garage", "matter00908")
> gsub("(?<![0-9])0+", "", d, perl = TRUE)
[1] "100001" "12309 template" "separate 340" "45"
[5] "890 98" "3405 garage" "matter908"

Another way using regex:

> gsub("(^|[^0-9])0+", "\\1", d, perl = TRUE)
[1] "100001" "12309 template" "separate 340" "45"
[5] "890 98" "3405 garage" "matter908"

Remove leading 3 zeros in Excel

What about =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-3)

Would that work for you?

Removing leading zeroes from alphanumeric character in XSL1.0?

One approach could be to use translate to remove all zeroes, which will then tell you what the first non-zero character is. You can then use substring-after to chop off the leading zeroes in this way.

<xsl:variable name="firstNonZero" 
select="substring(translate($number, '0', ''), 1, 1)" />
<xsl:variable name="noLeadingZeroes"
select="concat($firstNonZero, substring-after($number, $firstNonZero))" />
<xsl:value-of select="translate($noLeadingZeroes, '.', '')" />

(Where $number is your starting input "00000BE0891.116.828")

Or, if you wanted to combine this into one expression...

select="translate(concat(substring(translate($number, '0', ''), 1, 1), substring-after($number, substring(translate($number, '0', ''), 1, 1))), '.', '')" />

how to trim leading zeros from alphanumeric text in mysql function

You are looking for the trim() function.

Alright, here is your example


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