How to Read the Value of a Annotation in Java

Get value of a parameter of an annotation in Java

To get value of the @Path parameter:

String path = Hello.class.getAnnotation(Path.class).value();

Similarly, Once you have hold of Method getHtml

Method m = Hello.class.getMethod("getHtml", ..);
String mime = m.getAnnotation(Produces.class).value;

It is possible to read the field value with annotations at runtime in java?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but you can do something like this:

Object getValueForMyAnnotaion(MyClass obj) {
Field[] fieldList = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

for (Field field : fieldList) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(MyAnnotation.class)) {
return field.get(obj);

Note that it will return Object and only for the first member that has the annotation but it can be easily changed to what you need.

easy way to get annotation value of object member in Java

You cannot get the annotations of a field given it's value.

When you are calling your "Util" method, all you are passing it is the value of the field. It won't have enough information to access the annotation.

Here is a way you might do it...

public class SomeClass {

@Digits(fraction = 2, integer = 16)
private BigDecimal amount;

private void setAmount(double d) {
amount = BigDecimal.valueOf(d);

amount.setScale(Util.getFraction(this, "amount"));

public static void main(String[] args) {
new SomeClass().setAmount(12.3);

Notice I'm passing the instance of the object that the field is in and the name of the field to my "Util" method.

It can now get the actual value like this...

public class Util {

public static int getFraction(Object obj, String fieldName) {
try {
Digits annotation = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName).getAnnotation(Digits.class);
return annotation.fraction();
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
// BOOM!
throw new IllegalStateException("Something went awfully wrong...", e);

How to read value of java annotation with JDK8 and JDK11?

You should not depend on the toString() implementation which is normally for debugging/logging only.

See Is it possible to read the value of a annotation in java? for more details on how to read the value of an annotation.


To do everything via reflection, you can so something like this:

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class AnnotationTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
Method[] methods = AnnotationTest.class.getMethods();
System.out.println("methods = " + Arrays.toString(methods));
for (Method method : methods) {
System.out.println("method = " + method);
Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
System.out.println("annotations = " + Arrays.toString(annotations));

for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
System.out.println("annotation = " + annotation);

Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType();
System.out.println("annotationClass = " + annotationClass);
Method[] annotationMethods = annotationClass.getMethods();
System.out.println("annotation methods = " + Arrays.toString(annotationMethods));
for (Method annotationMethod : annotationMethods) {
if (Modifier.isPublic(annotationMethod.getModifiers())) {
String name = annotationMethod.getName();
Object o = annotationMethod.invoke(annotation);
System.out.println(name + ": " + o);


public void test() {

(I used one of Spring's annotations here since that is what I happen to have on my classpath)

UPDATE (with end of solution):

@When(value = "I update text {string} with {string}(\\?)")
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object as[] = { "a", "b" };
Class c = Sof.class;
Method[] methods = c.getMethods();
Method method = null;
for (Method m : methods) {
if (m.getName().equals("main")) {
method = m;
Annotation stepAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(When.class);
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = stepAnnotation.annotationType();
try {
Method valueMethods = annotationClass.getDeclaredMethod("value");
if (Modifier.isPublic(valueMethods.getModifiers())) {"---> {} " + String.format(valueMethods.invoke(stepAnnotation).toString().replaceAll("\\{\\S+\\}", "{%s}").replace("(\\?)", ""), as),
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e1) {

Annotation - Read element values with reflection

Yes. You almost have it. Once you reach this part:


it gives you an object that inherits the TestCase annotation.

TestCase tc = iInvokedMethod.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod()
String b1 = tc.brand1(); // returns the value "1001" from your example
String b2 = tc.brand2(); // returns the value "1101" from your example
String b3 = tc.brand3(); // returns the value "1201" from your example

edit: to add the other means @SotiriosDelimanolis said.

TestCase tc = iInvokedMethod.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod()
Method fm = TestCase.class.getMethod("brand1"); // or brand2 or a variable
String brand = (String) fm.invoke(tc); // returns the value "1001" from your example

Receive annotation value from annotated field

is it possible to know annotation value inside annotated field

It's not possible.

You may have 2 different classes

class SomeClass {
private MyClass myClass;
public SomeClass(MyClass myClass) {


class SomeClassNo Annotation {
private MyClass myClass;
public SomeClassNo(MyClass myClass) {

Then you create an instance of MyClass

MyClass instance = new MyClass();

then 2 classes instances
new SomeClass(instance) and new SomeClassNo(instance) both have reference to the same instance. So the instance does not know whether the reference field annotated or not.

The only case when it is possible is to pass somehow the container reference to MyClass.

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