How to Programmatically Close a Jframe

How to programmatically close a JFrame

If you want the GUI to behave as if you clicked the X close button then you need to dispatch a window closing event to the Window. The ExitAction from Closing An Application allows you to add this functionality to a menu item or any component that uses Actions easily.

frame.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(frame, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING));

How to close current JFrame?

The problem is the following action (and not only this):

cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
new Windows().getCreateFrame().setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE);

here you create a new Windows object and call getCreateFrame() which creates a new JFrame and then you call setDefaultCloseOperation() on it.

So you work with different Windows / JFrame instances.

Instead you should create your JFrame in the constructor of Windows and call setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.HIDE_ON_CLOSE) of this JFrame in the constructor as well.

Afterwards you can use setVisible(false) in your action - but for this JFrame and not for a new created one.

BTW. getCancelButton() should most probably not create a new button every time it is called.

Closing jFrame after clicking JButton

Assuming your button has an actionListener, after clicking the "rules button" put in:

      JFrame1.dispose();  //Remove JFrame 1
JFrame2.setVisible(true) //Show other frame

And then reverese them for the opposite reaction

How to close a JFrame from a class outside the one it was declared in

You can use SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor function from javax.swing.SwingUtilities to get the top frame of the panel.

Here is the working code:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {
if (arg0.getKeyCode() == 27) { // 27 is ascii code for esc button
JFrame frame = (JFrame)SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this);
frame.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(frame, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING));

Put this code in the GamePanel's KeyPressed function.

Need to close a jframe while showing another one

Your basic idea is generally not recommended. You can have a look at The Use of Multiple JFrames: Good or Bad Practice? for the long winded discussion.

Generally it's recommended to use a CardLayout for these type of operations, see How to use CardLayout for more details

What you want to try and do is decouple of the navigation decision making from the views themselves - there's no reason why the first and second view should ever care about each other OR be backing decisions about how the user should navigate.

How do you close a JFrame window without closing another one?

You duplicated the JFrame, created a JFrame field f inside the JFrame.
Do not use static components like the button.

public class Frame1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

private final JButton login = new JButton("Login");

Frame1() {
setSize(1000, 750);
setLocation(750, 250);

login.setBounds(250, 350, 150, 30);


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == login) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> {
Frame1 login1 = new Frame1();

Use the swing/awt event queue (invokeLater) as on this thread window events are handled and dispatched further.

And Frame2:

public class Frame2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

private JButton logout = new JButton("Logout");
private JLabel jb1 = new JLabel("Hello And Welcome");

Frame2() {
setSize(1000, 750);
setLocation(750, 250);

jb1.setBounds(250, 150, 350, 30);
logout.setBounds(250, 350, 150, 30);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) {
if (a.getSource() == logout) {
setVisible(false); // <--- ALL

public static void frame2windown() {
Frame2 f2 = new Frame2();

JFrame.setVisible does it all. Especially setVisible(true) should maybe even done after the constructor is called, so it always is last.

Another remark, dive into layout managers fast. Absolute layouts (null) are a PITA.

How to make a JFrame close itself after 10 seconds?

You could use javax.swing.Timer like this:

new Timer(10_000, (e) -> { frame.setVisible(false); frame.dispose(); }).start();

The advantage of using the javax.swing.Timer option is that it doesn't violate Swing threading rules.

As the Javadocs say:

The javax.swing.Timer has two features that can make it a little
easier to use with GUIs. First, its event handling metaphor is
familiar to GUI programmers and can make dealing with the
event-dispatching thread a bit simpler. Second, its automatic thread
sharing means that you don't have to take special steps to avoid
spawning too many threads. Instead, your timer uses the same thread
used to make cursors blink, tool tips appear, and so on.

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