How to Inject Module Declaration into Jar

How to inject module declaration into JAR?

Yes, this is possible with the --patch-module option. This option is most often used at runtime, but it also works at compile time:

javac --patch-module <module name>=<path to jar>

creating module-info for automatic modules with jdeps in java 9

The short answer is that, yes, you'll have to convert the libraries to explicit modules.

The jlink tool is intended to provide a trimmed binary image that has only the required modules. The issue is that automatic modules have access to the classpath (aka the unnamed module) which can read all JDK modules. So nothing would be trimmed.

This thread states this as well, with a link to a YouTube video.

This example converts commons-lang3-3.5.jar to an explict module for a jlink demo.

Edit: to be more specific, here is an example script that converts, in order, jackson-core, jackson-annotations, and jackson-databind legacy jars to modular jars.

The idea is:

  • run jdeps --generate-module-info on the legacy jar
  • unzip the legacy jar into a folder, add from above, re-compile, and re-zip

The trick is that modular jars with dependencies will require those dependencies as command-line parameters. For example, here is jackson-databind (abstracted somewhat):

# here, jackson-core and jackson-annotations have been built
# jackson-databind

jdeps --module-path $ROOT_DIR/modules \
--add-modules jackson.annotations,jackson.core \
--generate-module-info work $JACKSON_DATABIND_JAR

javac --module-path $ROOT_DIR/modules \
--add-modules jackson.annotations,jackson.core \
-d $ROOT_DIR/classes

How to make one module depend on another module artifact?

Looks like it should work to me. But you might try mvn install instead of mvn package.

Including dependencies in a jar with Maven

You can do this using the maven-assembly plugin with the "jar-with-dependencies" descriptor. Here's the relevant chunk from one of our pom.xml's that does this:

<!-- any other plugins -->

Spring Dependency Injection and Plugin Jar

It seems like all You need is to create the Spring ApplicationContext properly. I think it's possible without classpath mingling. What matters most are the locations of the Spring configuration files within the classpath. So put all Your plugin jar's into WEB-INF/lib and read on.

Let's start with the core module. We'll make it to create it's ApplicationContext from files located at classpath*:META-INF/spring/*-corecontext.xml.

Now we'll make all plugins to have their config files elsewhere. I.e. 'myplugin1' will have its config location like this: classpath*:META-INF/spring/*-myplugin1context.xml. And anotherplugin will have the configs at classpath*:META-INF/spring/*-anotherplugincontext.xml.

What You see is a convension. You can also use subdirectiries if You like:

  • core: classpath*:META-INF/spring/core/*.xml
  • myplugin1: classpath*:META-INF/spring/myplugin1/*.xml
  • anotherplugin: classpath*:META-INF/spring/anotherplugin/*.xml

What matters is that the locations have to be disjoint.

All that remains is to pass the right locations to the ApplicationContext creator. For web applications the right place for this would be to extend the ContextLoaderListener and override the method customizeContext(ServletContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext).

All that remains is to read Your config file (its location can be passed as servlet init parameter). Than You need to construct the list of config locations:

String locationPrefix = "classpath*:META-INF/spring/";
String locationSiffix = "/*.xml";

List<String> configLocations = new ArrayList<String>();
configLocations.add(locationPrefix + "core" + locationSiffix);

List<String> pluginsTurnedOn = getPluginsTurnedOnFromConfiguration();
for (String pluginName : pluginsTurnedOn) {
configLocations.add(locationPrefix + pluginName + locationSiffix);

applicationContext.setConfigLocations(configLocations.toArray(new String[configLocations.size()]));

This way You can easily manage what is and what is not loaded into Spring ApplicationContext.


To make it work there's one more hidden assumption I made that I'm about to explain now. The base package of the core module and each plugin should also be disjoint. That is i.e.:

  • com.mycompany.myapp.core
  • com.mycompany.myapp.myplugin1
  • com.mycompany.myapp.anotherplugin

This way each module can use <context:componet-scan /> (on equivalent in JavaConfig) easily to add classpath scanning for it's own classes only. The core module should not contain any package scanning of any plugin packages. The plugins should extend configuration of ApplicationContext to add their own packages to classpath scanning.

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