How to Increase the Java Heap Size in Netbeans

How to increase the java heap size in netbeans?

You can set it in NetBeans in the project properties -> Run -> VM options

  1. Right click on your project "Properties"
  2. Select "Run" category.
  3. Enter your arguments(-Xmx512m) in the "VM Options" text box.

Example: Putting -Xmx512m in the "VM Options" text box gives 512Mb maximum heap size to your Java program.

How to increase Heap memory of Netbeans platform's Application in java?

if you go to your applications installed directory the go to etc folder then open the applicationName.conf file and change the min and max heapsize then save and restart your application, that should change your applications heap size, check the change in your application ide log, thanks

Java heap space in netbeans.. but I've increased the heap size already!

I think you just configured the maximum heap size of netbeans IDE itself and not your program.

Go to your project "properties", select "Run" category. In the "VM Options" text box put your arguments (-Xmx512m).

how to increase heap space of JVM in netbeans

Run->Set Project Configuration->Customize...
You can enter your VM options in Run tab. Use the -Xmx[size] flag to increase the heap size.
As size you can use for example 512m for 512MB or 2g for 2000MB.

How to increase java heap memory in netbeans?

String storage can be quite expensive. Using random String of avarage ~ 80 chars long, 3 000 000 strings can cosume almoust 1GB

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
String base = RandomStringUtils.random(80);
long i = 0;
try {
while (i < 3e6) {
list.add(base + i++);
} finally {
System.out.println("Count:" + list.size());
System.out.println("Memory:" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1024d / 1024d);


Try to wrap your piece of code where you are reading your file with the same try-finally block i have made here. When error will popout, you will get approx ammount of memory you are consuming at that point, and what percentage of file you have managed already to read. This will get you the idea of how much more memory you will need.

Moreover you will know if your -Xmx directive works, because if it will crash around lets say 500mb it is either ommited by netbeans, or there is no mo available memory it the system.

NETBEANS: “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space”

You can set it in NetBeans ide in the project properties -> Run -> VM options

Right click on your project "Properties"
Select "Run" category.
Enter your arguments(-Xmx512m) in the "VM Options" text box.
Example: Putting -Xmx512m in the "VM Options" text box gives 512Mb maximum heap size to your Java program.

How to assign more memory to Netbeans?

In the etc directory under your Netbeans-Home, edit the file netbeans.conf file.
-Xms and -Xmx should be increased to the values that allow your program to compile.

Here are the instructions in netbeans.conf:

# Note that default -Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize are selected for you automatically.
# You can find these values in var/log/messages.log file in your userdir.
# The automatically selected value can be overridden by specifying -J-Xmx or
# -J-XX:MaxPermSize= here or on the command line.

Put the values in the netbeans_default_options string. Here is mine (remove linebreaks, added for readability):

netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m 
-J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Dsun.awt.disableMixing=true
-J-Dswing.aatext=true -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd --laf Nimbus"

EDIT: -J-Xms sets the minimum Java heap size, -J-Xmx sets the maximum Java heap size.

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