How to Get Java 11 Run-Time Environment Working Since There Is No More Jre 11 for Download

How can I get Java 11 run-time environment working since there is no more JRE 11 for download?

Right now, there seem to be no free + easy Oracle-supported Java 11 JRE (only) options. Your options are:

  1. Download and use an OpenJDK Java 11 JDK from the OpenJDK site.

  2. Download and use an Oracle Java 11 JDK from the Oracle site ... and be sure that you fully understand the restrictions on "commercial use" that now apply to the Oracle Java 11+ releases.

  3. Try to roll your own Windows JRE for Windows from the OpenJDK sources; see Create jre from OpenJDK Windows. (I wouldn't recommend doing this. There are better alternatives.)

  4. Look into using the new jlink tool to create a custom image (basically a cut-down JRE) for your application. This seems to be the option that Oracle want 3rd-party application developers to use.

  5. Talk to Oracle sales about a Java support contract, and specifically ask about how to get a JRE build. (I don't know what the answer will be. If someone does try this, and they get a positive response, please comment!)

  6. Use a 3rd-party Java JRE distribution.

    • The list of Java vendors changes over time, but as of now it includes AdoptOpenJDK, Amazon, Azul, BellSoft, IBM, jClarity, Red Hat and SAP. See also: Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK

    • Some of these vendors offer JRE distros. Check their download sites.

    • Since (nearly) all Java vendors base their products on the same standard OpenJDK codebase that is used for Oracle Java, there is no reason to be concerned about the stability of a 3rd party JRE. Some vendors offer (paid for) support.

(Or switch from Windows to Linux. I can install an OpenJDK Java 11 JRE-only package from the distro package manager on recent versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, ...)

For those people who think that Oracle Java 11 and OpenJDK Java 11 are the same, please read the following from the Oracle download site:

Important changes in Oracle JDK 11 License

With JDK 11 Oracle has updated the license terms on which we offer the Oracle JDK. The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE is substantially different from the licenses under which previous versions of the JDK were offered. Please review the new terms carefully before downloading and using this product.

Oracle also offers this software under the GPL License on

Notice that Oracle are saying that the licenses for Oracle Java and OpenJDK Java are different. (Not withstanding that the two are built from essentially the same source code base.) Ignore this at your peril!

Where is JRE 11?

The whole structure with Java 11 has changed. Java is now a modular platform, where you can create your own "JRE" distribution with specifically the modules that you need to run your application.

The release notes at have the following sentence:

In this release, the JRE or Server JRE is no longer offered. Only the
JDK is offered. Users can use jlink to create smaller custom runtimes.

Documentation about jlink:

And another article about it:

When JRE was completely discontinued as a separate offering?

Is this the case and it is not possible to download JRE directly since Java 11? Or am I mixing implementations between (Oracle and OpenJDK)?

It is correct (mostly). From Java 11 onwards, neither Oracle JDK or OpenJDK JDK has a corresponding JRE available for public downloads.

However, some other distributors of Java do provide JRE downloads (or packages) as an option. Details may be found via the "Java is still free" link below.

When JRE was completely discontinued as a separate offering?

It was discontinued for the Oracle and OpenJDK distributions with Java 11. The Java 11 release notes state:

"In this release, the JRE or Server JRE is no longer offered. Only the JDK is offered. Users can use jlink to create smaller custom runtimes."

I have not been able to find any earlier public announcements from Oracle about the discontinuance of their JRE releases. (If someone finds one, please comment ...)

Please note: this is a specific answer to the specific questions asked by the OP. For more information on the status of Java vis-a-vis licenses, distributions, vendors, support, and whether or not Java is "free", I recommend that you read the following:

  • "Java is still free" written by the Java Champions community of independent Java leaders and experts.

It is a "live" document, and is likely to remain a good source of up-to-date information; i.e. more likely to be up-to-date than this Answer!


The Java JDK is Java Development Kit, which installs everything you need to write, compile, and run Java code and programs. It includes the Java JRE, which is the Java Runtime Environment. It only has what you need to run Java apps/programs. The download you're being offered when you go to is the JRE. The JVM is the Java Virtual Machine, which is the engine for running Java programs and comes with both the JRE and JDK.

If you're looking to run and develop Java programs, all you need to do is install the JDK. I would suggest uninstalling any previous versions of Java you have for security reasons, as support could've been dropped for them. As for OpenJDK and Oracle JDK, OpenJDK is the open source implementation of Java, and other JDKs like Oracles are built on top of it. The OpenJDK does not require a license to use while others might, depending on your use case.

Visual Studio Code showing Java 11 or more recent is required to run. Please download and install a recent JDK

Change from

"java.home": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home"


"java.home": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home"

and keep the rest of the settings as is.

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