How to Convert Ascii Code (0-255) to Its Corresponding Character

How to convert ASCII code (0-255) to its corresponding character?

Character.toString ((char) i);

How to convert an ASCII character into an int in C

What about:

int a_as_int = (int)'a';

Converting a user inputted integer to the character with that ASCII code

At first you must convert int to char. Then use Character.toString(c) to get ASCII value of the code:

public static void showAsciiCode(int code) {
char c = (char)code;
String ascii = Character.toString(c);
System.out.println("code=" + code + "; char=" + ascii);


code=33; char=!
code=34; char="
code=35; char=#
code=36; char=$

How do I convert from ASCII to String

Assuming you already have split the input into an array of string, the code could look like so:

String convertToString(String[] numberArray) {
byte[] utf8Bytes = new byte[numberArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < numberArray.length; i++) {
utf8Bytes[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(numberArray[i]);
return new String(utf8Bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

So each number becomes a bytes. The entire array of bytes is then converted into a string using UTF-8 charset.

UTF-8 uses multiple bytes to represent characters outside the ASCII range. In your example it affects "è" and "·".

ascii character limit is 255?

The "%c" in printf() takes the int parameter 369 and converts it to an unsigned char which has the value 369 & 255 or 113. Character code 113 corresponds to 'q' on a system using ASCII encoding. Thus 'q' is printed.

C11dr § 8 c conversion specifier

"If no l length modifier is present, the int argument is converted to an unsigned char, and the resulting character is written."


Typical C systems have an 8-bit char which allows for 256 combinations, hence the above & 255 (Some systems have other char sizes). Typical C systems assign values 0 to 127 to the ASCII character set - which is only defined for codes 0 to 127. The text that may print out with values outside that range varies.

How can I convert ASCII to character in android?

You can use this code

Character.toString ((char) num);

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