How to Configure Tomcat to Connect with MySQL

How to configure Tomcat to Not use Database Connection Pooling

Nothing should be preventing you from making your own connections and using them. But, I think you are missing configuration to make the connection validation work properly. When a connection is tested and found to be bad it should be replaced by a new one prior to the pool giving you the connection. I think you are missing validationQuery which would be utilized when testing the connection. Check out the docs at and look at supplying the necessary values for the validation to work. Try testOnBorrow and validationQuery so that each time you go for a connection it will validation it prior to returning. Also, you appear to be setting up way too many connections based on your frequency of usage. Tuning that should help avoid keeping unnecessary connections open.

How to set up Tomcat for one Database Connection per Request

If you rely on Tomcat to provide the connection to you: It's coming from a pool. Just go with plain old JDBC and open that connection yourself (and make sure to close it as well) if you don't like that.

So much for the answer to your question, to the letter. Now for the spirit: There's nothing wrong with connections coming from a pool. In all cases, it's your responsibility to handle it properly: Get access to a connection and free it up (close) when you're done with it. It doesn't make a difference if the connection is coming from a pool or has been created manually.

As you say performance is not an issue: Note that the creation of a connection may take some time, so even if the computer is largely idle, creating a new connection per request may have a notable effect on the performance. Your server won't overheat, but it might add a second or two to the request turnaround time.

Check configurations for your pool - e.g. validationQuery (to detect communication failures) or limits for use per connection. And make sure that you don't run into those issues because of bugs in your code. You'll need to handle communication errors anyways. And, again, that handling doesn't differ whether you use pools or not.

Edit: And finally: Are you extra extra sure that there indeed is no communication link failure? Like: Database or router unplugged every night to connect the vacuum cleaner? (no pun intended), Firewall dropping/resetting connections etc?

(Tomcat) Java WAR connecting, via SSL, to MySQL

You can provide Tomcat with the ability to express commandline java options. It will provide those options to Java when it executes its webapps. I found this very helpful post describing the process

You need to add the following lines to $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (Unix)

Java Options Specifying the keystore/truststore and passwords

Then, restart Tomcat.

When Tomcat spins up, it does it through

It will provide those options to Java and you'll be good to go!

Setting up connection pool with Tomcat 7 (MySQL)

The problem was in Java code. I was looking for the DataSource from the wrong context (the root context). This is wrong:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("jdbc/maakler_new");

Correct way would be this:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/maakler_new");

How to connect to MySQL database using jdbc and tomcat

I found the answer!!! It was SUPER SIMPLE!!! I am using Amazon ec2 default linux distribution.. I had my security group open to :mysql BUT my source was set to myself, and not everyone. So despite being able to open and listening, my server wasn't listening to

I went to the security group on ec2 and changed the mysql's source to and not the default ec2.webserveruser. Thanks everyone :)

How to configure tomcat 6.0 for mysql

I'm guessing you want Tomcat to create connection pool to MySQL database. In that case, you don't need to configure server.xml file. In the context.xml file you need to add a <Resource> element, something like this:

<Resource name="jdbc/MySQLPool" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
username="USERNAME" password="PASSWORD"
removeAbandoned="true" />

(I'm not sure if that's the correct driverClassName for MySQL, but your Resource should look somewhat like this).

For more info, try checking Tomcat's documentation on JNDI Resources and JDBC DataSources.

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