G++: File Not Found

g++: File not found

Err: g++: "/home/cdog5000/cody.cpp": No such file or directory

Is telling you the problem.

You have one level of quotes too many, so you're looking for "/home/cdog5000/cody.cpp" rather than /home/cdog5000/cody.cpp.

The Runtime.exec documentation says:

More precisely, the command string is broken into tokens using a StringTokenizer created by the call new StringTokenizer(command) with no further modification of the character categories. The tokens produced by the tokenizer are then placed in the new string array cmdarray, in the same order.

Meaning it only splits on whitespace, it doesn't handle double quotes like the shell does.

Many languages have two functions, one called exec which runs the command verbatim, and system which passes the string to the shell, where it will split words and expand wildcards.

I can't see a system call in Java, so I think you will have to use exec(String[] cmdarray) rather than exec(String command).

g++ error file not found : It interprets command line argument string as a file

You need to pass your two arguments to the executable that gets built from your compiler/linker. The way you described what you are doing seems to indicate you are trying to run your program at the same time you are trying to build it.

Try breaking it up into two command lines.

g++ -std=c++11 -o Assignment1 yourcode.cc

./Assignment1 filename.txt 10

G++ Not Finding Included .cpp Files When Compiling

First off, rename Key.cpp to Key.h. Put the declaration in Key.h. Then put the definition in Key.cpp (Don't forget to include Key.h here). Then include your Key.h in all files using Key objects.

Now, compile them with g++ -o filename.out file1.cpp file2.cpp -O3 -Wall

Also, learn to use boilerplate code

P.S. as @SoronelHaetir has suggested, use "" to include custom header files

g++' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Try to set g++ to your system path.

You can refer to this:

Error: g++.exe: No such file or directory g++.exe: fatal error: no input files in Visual studio code?

Your problem is the filename for your source file is Calculator .cpp which contains a space. This is problematic for languages that use command line compilers like c or c++ because on the command line a space separates arguments so without quotes around the filename your compiler sees Calculator and .cpp as 2 separate files instead of Calculator .cpp. The easy fix for this is to rename the file to remove the space. I highly recommend avoiding spaces in paths or file names with c or c++ regardless of how you build to avoid issues like this.

Compiling with MingW in CMD shows libisl-21.dll was not found

libisl-*.dll is part of the MinGW-w64 distribution.

I'm not sure older MinGW also provides it, but you should use MinGW-w64 anyway (e.g. from https://winlibs.com/ or installed via MSYS2's pacman) as it's much better maintained and supports newer Windows versions (including 64-bit).

Your problem is that g++.exe depends on libisl-21.dll but can't find it.

Check the following:

  • From which location is g++.exe being called? This should be the first location containing g++.exe in the PATH environment variable in the environment where you were running g++.exe from (e.g. if this is the Command Prompt type ECHO %PATH% to see its value).
  • Does the folder containing g++.exe also contain libisl-21.dll?
  • Is your MinGW setup broken or can it be uninstalled+reinstalled?
  • Do you have multiple MinGW / MinGW-w64 installations on your system that are getting mixed up (e.g. because multiple are point to via the PATH environment variable)?
  • You can try to unpack a standalone MinGW-w64 from https://winlibs.com/ - which doesn't have an installer and will not interfere with your other installed MinGW(-w64) releases - and try to use g++.exe from its bin folder by specifying it's entire path.

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