Eclipse - Debugger Doesn't Stop at Breakpoint

Eclipse - debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint

This could be related to one of the bugs in JDK 6 Update 14, as indicated in the release notes for JDK 6 update 15.

If this indeed turns out to be the issue, you should move to a higher version of the JDK (that's no guarantee though, since fixes have been released against 6u16, 6u18 and 7b1). The best bet is to use -XX:+UseParallelGC flag. Increasing the size of the minimum and maximum heap size, to delay the first GC, bring temporary relief.

By the way, use this bug report in Eclipse to track how others have been faring.

Eclipse doesn't stop in break points in debug mode

If you are using Maven, this is often due to the local source being for a different version than you the executable you are trying to debug. For instance:

  • I develop v1.0.34-SNAPSHOT and commit to our SVN repository.
  • The CI server automatically compiles this version
  • I use the CI server to release version 1.0.34
  • I deploy v1.0.34 to say Weblogic
  • I try to debug, and Eclipse gets confused - it has source for 1.0.34-SNAPSHOT but the running version is 1.0.34

Another problem I have seen in older Eclipse versions, is that if two projects import different versions of the same library, then the debugger gets confused as to which source it should use. I've not tested this on Kepler or Luna.

Eclipse Debugger doesn't stop at conditional breakpoint

That's because rep is still equals to 0.0 in that line: Double rep = 0.0;

You need to put a conditional breakpoint at System.out.println("Répulsion : " + rep);, after calculating rep value, then when execution stops at that line, you "Drop to Frame" to execute again that method.

You should also use Double.isNaN(rep) or rep.isNaN() instead of rep == Double.NaN.

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