Does Setting Java Objects to Null Do Anything Anymore

Does setting Java objects to null do anything anymore?

It depends a bit on when you were thinking of nulling the reference.

If you have an object chain A->B->C, then once A is not reachable, A, B and C will all be eligible for garbage collection (assuming nothing else is referring to either B or C). There's no need, and never has been any need, to explicitly set references A->B or B->C to null, for example.

Apart from that, most of the time the issue doesn't really arise, because in reality you're dealing with objects in collections. You should generally always be thinking of removing objects from lists, maps etc by calling the appropiate remove() method.

The case where there used to be some advice to set references to null was specifically in a long scope where a memory-intensive object ceased to be used partway through the scope. For example:

BigObject obj = ...
obj = null; <-- explicitly set to null

The rationale here was that because obj is still in scope, then without the explicit nulling of the reference, it does not become garbage collectable until after the doSomethingElse() method completes. And this is the advice that probably no longer holds on modern JVMs: it turns out that the JIT compiler can work out at what point a given local object reference is no longer used.

Does setting variable to null clear just the reference?

In your first example:

obj -------> |OBJECT|

After setting obj to null:

obj |OBJECT|

No reference to the object exists so it "doesn't exist" anymore because it has become unreachable.

In your second example:

obj -------> +------+
temp ------> +------+

After setting obj to null:

obj          +------+
temp ------> +------+

You can see that temp still references the object so it still "exists".

Does assigning objects to null in Java impact garbage collection?

Typically, no.

But like all things: it depends. The GC in Java these days is VERY good and everything should be cleaned up very shortly after it is no longer reachable. This is just after leaving a method for local variables, and when a class instance is no longer referenced for fields.

You only need to explicitly null if you know it would remain referenced otherwise. For example an array which is kept around. You may want to null the individual elements of the array when they are no longer needed.

For example, this code from ArrayList:

public E remove(int index) {

E oldValue = (E) elementData[index];

int numMoved = size - index - 1;
if (numMoved > 0)
System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
elementData[--size] = null; // Let gc do its work

return oldValue;

Also, explicitly nulling an object will not cause an object to be collected any sooner than if it just went out of scope naturally as long as no references remain.


void foo() {
Object o = new Object();
/// do stuff with o


void foo() {
Object o = new Object();
/// do stuff with o
o = null;

Are functionally equivalent.

clearing or set null to objects in java

Firstly, you never set an object to null. That concept has no meaning. You can assign a value of null to a variable, but you need to distinguish between the concepts of "variable" and "object" very carefully. Once you do, your question will sort of answer itself :)

Now in terms of "shallow copy" vs "deep copy" - it's probably worth avoiding the term "shallow copy" here, as usually a shallow copy involves creating a new object, but just copying the fields of an existing object directly. A deep copy would take a copy of the objects referred to by those fields as well (for reference type fields). A simple assignment like this:

ArrayList<String> list1 = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> list2 = list1;

... doesn't do either a shallow copy or a deep copy in that sense. It just copies the reference. After the code above, list1 and list2 are independent variables - they just happen to have the same values (references) at the moment. We could change the value of one of them, and it wouldn't affect the other:

list1 = null;
System.out.println(list2.size()); // Just prints 0

Now if instead of changing the variables, we make a change to the object that the variables' values refer to, that change will be visible via the other variable too:

System.out.println(list1.get(0)); // Prints Foo

So back to your original question - you never store actual objects in a map, list, array etc. You only ever store references. An object can only be garbage collected when there are no ways of "live" code reaching that object any more. So in this case:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
map.put("Foo", list);
list = null;

... the ArrayList object still can't be garbage collected, because the Map has an entry which refers to it.

Java Garbage Collection: Does setting 'top of stack' to null in pop() method only GC the reference (not object)?

It is worth it to set S[top] to null. The reference to the popped object is returned to the caller who can do anything to that object. When the caller is done with that object, then it no longer needs to be referenced by either the caller or the Stack. As long as no other object references it, then it is eligible for garbage collection.

If the Stack didn't clear that entry, then nothing would make it eligible for garbage collection, because the Stack would continue holding a reference to that object even after it was popped.

In the Stack, the array and any references to objects in it isn't garbage collected. The array in the Stack still exists as long as the Stack does. The reference element is just set to null. The reference still exists, but it's now null and it no longer refers to the object.

Clearing the reference helps with memory efficiency, by allowing garbage collection to reclaim the memory on the popped object, assuming that nothing else refers to that object as well. Without clearing the reference, the object would never be garbage collected, unless the Stack itself (with its array referring to the object) was garbage collected.

Do I need to set local variables to NULL after usage

No, the garbage collector automatically detects local variables that are no longer used.

Is there any advantage to assign null to a ref when it is no longer used?

if an object is out of scope, will it get gc quickly?

That is impossible to answer in general. However, if a reference is about to go out of scope, setting it to null just before it does will almost certainly achieve nothing.

On the other hand, if the reference variable is long-lived, then setting it to null may be useful if the referenced object is no longer needed.

Garbage collector in java - set an object null

Garbage collection in Java is performed on the basis of "reachability". The JLS defines the term as follows:

"A reachable object is any object that can be accessed in any potential continuing computation from any live thread."

So long as an object is reachable1, it is not eligible for garbage collection.

The JLS leaves it up to the Java implementation to figure out how to determine whether an object could be accessible. If the implementation cannot be sure, it is free to treat a theoretically unreachable object as reachable ... and not collect it. (Indeed, the JLS allows an implementation to not collect anything, ever! No practical implementation would do that though2.)

In practice, (conservative) reachability is calculated by tracing; looking at what can be reached by following references starting with the class (static) variables, and local variables on thread stacks.

Here's what this means for your question:

If i call: myTree = null; what really happens with the related TreeNode objects inside the tree? Will be garbage collected as well, or i have to set null all the related objects inside the tree object??

Let's assume that myTree contains the last remaining reachable reference to the tree root.

  1. Nothing happens immediately.
  2. If the internal nodes were previously only reachable via the root node, then they are now unreachable, and eligible for garbage collection. (In this case, assigning null to references to internal nodes is unnecessary.)
  3. However, if the internal nodes were reachable via other paths, they are presumably still reachable, and therefore NOT eligible for garbage collection. (In this case, assigning null to references to internal nodes is a mistake. You are dismantling a data structure that something else might later try to use.)

If myTree does not contain the last remaining reachable reference to the tree root, then nulling the internal reference is a mistake for the same reason as in 3. above.

So when should you null things to help the garbage collector?

The cases where you need to worry are when you can figure out that that the reference in some cell (local, instance or class variable, or array element) won't be used again, but the compiler and runtime can't! The cases fall into roughly three categories:

  1. Object references in class variables ... which (by definition) never go out of scope.
  2. Object references in local variables that are still in scope ... but won't be used. For example:

     public List<Pig> pigSquadron(boolean pigsMightFly) {
    List<Pig> airbornePigs = new ArrayList<Pig>();
    while (...) {
    Pig piggy = new Pig();
    if (pigsMightFly) {
    return airbornePigs.size() > 0 ? airbornePigs : null;

    In the above, we know that if pigsMightFly is false, that the list object won't be used. But no mainstream Java compiler could be expected to figure this out.

  3. Object references in instance variables or in array cells where the data structure invariants mean that they won't be used. @edalorzo's stack example is an example of this.

It should be noted that the compiler / runtime can sometimes figure out that an in-scope variable is effectively dead. For example:

public void method(...) {
Object o = ...
Object p = ...
while (...) {
// Do things to 'o' and 'p'
// No further references to 'o'
// Do lots more things to 'p'

Some Java compilers / runtimes may be able to detect that 'o' is not needed after the loop ends, and treat the variable as dead.

1 - In fact, what we are talking about here is strong reachability. The GC reachability model is more complicated when you consider soft, weak and phantom references. However, these are not relevant to the OP's use-case.

2 - In Java 11 there is an experimental GC called the Epsilon GC that explicitly doesn't collect anything.

Is there any consequences of setting an reference to null in java?

Your assumption is correct, but you don't usually need to specifically do that.

Let's say your "myObject" is used in another object. At some point in the lifetime of your application's execution, this object will stopped being referenced by any other object, and thus will be marked for deletion by the GC. Them myObject will be marked for deletion as well. As soon as all references to a given object disappear, the GC will eventually reclaim the memory.

There are (rare) exceptions, like event handling, where the dependency between two objects cannot be properly automatically ended, and you may end up with a memory leak: when you subscribe to an event on another class, then the subscriber cannot be collected even when there's no "direct" references to it. In that specific case, it might be interesting to clear the link manually.

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