Does Glide Have a Method for Loading Both Png and Svg

Does Glide have a method for loading both PNG and SVG?

You can use Glide & AndroidSVG together to achieve your goal.

There is sample from Glide for SVG.Sample Example

Setup RequestBuilder

requestBuilder = Glide.with(mActivity)
.using(Glide.buildStreamModelLoader(Uri.class, mActivity), InputStream.class)
.transcode(new SvgDrawableTranscoder(), PictureDrawable.class)
.sourceEncoder(new StreamEncoder())
.cacheDecoder(new FileToStreamDecoder<SVG>(new SvgDecoder()))
.decoder(new SvgDecoder())
.listener(new SvgSoftwareLayerSetter<Uri>());

Use RequestBuilder with uri

Uri uri = Uri.parse("");
// SVG cannot be serialized so it's not worth to cache it

This way you can achieve your goal. I hope this is helpful.

Image becomes blurry when loading SVG with Glide

After upgrading to glide v4 the problem has gone. Now I'm using the following code for loading svg:

.listener(new SvgSoftwareLayerSetter())

And in my AppGlideModule I have:

public void registerComponents(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Glide glide, Registry registry) {
registry.register(SVG.class, PictureDrawable.class, new SvgDrawableTranscoder())
.prepend(SVG.class, new SvgEncoder())
.append(InputStream.class, SVG.class, new SvgDecoder());

SvgDrawableTranscoder converts SVG to PictureDrawable with one simple method:

public class SvgDrawableTranscoder implements ResourceTranscoder<SVG, PictureDrawable> {

public Resource<PictureDrawable> transcode(@NonNull Resource<SVG> toTranscode, @NonNull Options options) {
SVG svg = toTranscode.get();
Picture picture = svg.renderToPicture();
PictureDrawable drawable = new PictureDrawable(picture);
return new SimpleResource<>(drawable);

And that's how I implemented SvgEncoder class:

public class SvgEncoder implements ResourceEncoder<SVG>{
public EncodeStrategy getEncodeStrategy(@NonNull Options options) {
return EncodeStrategy.SOURCE;

public boolean encode(@NonNull Resource<SVG> data, @NonNull File file, @NonNull Options options) {
try {
SVG svg = data.get();
Picture picture = svg.renderToPicture();
picture.writeToStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;

How to load svg image to image view using Glide

You can use the Glide To Vector,

repo :

and to load svg into imageview you can use:

.withListener(new GlideToVectorYouListener() {
public void onLoadFailed() {
Toast.makeText(context, "Load failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

public void onResourceReady() {
Toast.makeText(context, "Image ready", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
.setPlaceHolder(placeholderLoading, placeholderError)
.load(IMAGE_URL, imageview);

Glide is not loading joeschmoe avatars into ImageView

I checked this website and did an inspect element in my browser. the image is not a bitmap, it is SVG image. to load svg with glide i suggest to look at this link.

Image size too small when loading SVG with Glide

I decided to open this question as an issue on the libs repository, and then I was able to fix the problem.

As it turned out, the problem was related to my SVG having a fixed size, so to fix it I had to modify my SvgDecoder.decode method, and add those three lines:


The method now looks like this:

public Resource<SVG> decode(InputStream source, int width, int height) throws IOException {
try {
SVG svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(source);


return new SimpleResource<>(svg);
} catch (SVGParseException ex) {
throw new IOException("Cannot load SVG from stream.", ex);

Now it's working as it should.

How to load remote svg files with Picasso library

You can use a library called GlideToVectorYou which uses Glide internally.

fun ImageView.loadSvg(url: String?) {
.setPlaceHolder(R.drawable.loading, R.drawable.actual)
.load(Uri.parse(url), this)

or You can also use Coil library to load svg. Just add these lines in build.gradle

// ... Coil (

Then Add an extension function

fun AppCompatImageView.loadSvg(url: String) {
val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(this.context)
.componentRegistry { add(SvgDecoder(this@loadSvg.context)) }

val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this.context)


Then call this method in your activity or fragment


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