Different Dependencies for Different Build Profiles

Different dependencies for different build profiles

To quote the Maven documentation on this:

A profile element contains both an optional activation (a profile trigger) and the set of changes to be made to the POM if that profile has been activated. For example, a project built for a test environment may point to a different database than that of the final deployment. Or dependencies may be pulled from different repositories based upon the JDK version used.

(Emphasis is mine)

Just put the dependency for the release profile inside the profile declaration itself and do the same for debug.






Maven Builds with Different Dependency Configurations

What I would do is have a pom.xml per client and have the dependencies in there.

If you want to try a modular way including jenkins, the solution I see is:

  • make maven profiles for instance 3 profiles ABC, BCD, BD. to act as parameters
  • make a jenkins job that would take a string parameter like ABC
  • build the command mvn install -PABC

A more modular solution:

  • use gradle, that means: convert your pom to a gradle buid file
  • optionally configure what dependencies are included by default based on a groovy file you include using "apply" in your build file
  • use gradle parameters to include the dependencies and override the default ones
  • make a jenkins job that would take a string of parameter like dep1,dep2,dep3
  • split this string into an array and iterate to build the command gradle -Pdep1 -Pdep2 -Pdep3

Maven Profile in different dependencies

Your problem does not match what should happen in practice. Your profile definition sounds about right to me:

mvn clean install will enable the db-localhost-mysql (as it is marked as to be activated by default) and it will add mysql-connector-java. The same will happen if you run mvn clean install -Pdb-localhost-mysql

mvn clean install -Pdb-localhost-oracle will add the ojdbc6 driver. The mysql profile will not be enabled (as it is triggered only if no profile is explicitly active).

That does not mean your current dependency hierarchy hasn't already one of those jars. It might come as a transitive dependency. To isolate this case and know which project needs to be fixed run mvn dependency:tree -Pdb-localhost-oracle to look at your dependencies hierarchy when the mysql profile is not enabled.

Maven pom.xml argument that will install different dependencies depending on the value

You add something like




Then you activate/deactivate the profiles by the command line properties you stated, like mvn -DgpuCuda=True install.

Differentiate Dependency based on profile in Gradle file

You can proceed differently by having build_[profile].gradle for each profile, where [profile] is the profile you pass as argument when you launch your application example ( via -P ) :

./gradlew -Pprod bootRun

So suppose you have 2 environment prod and local, in your build.gradle you will have :

def currentProfile;

if (project.hasProperty('prod')) {
currentProfile = 'production';
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/build_prod.gradle');

} else if (project.hasProperty('local')) {
currentProfile = 'local';
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/build_local.gradle');
} else {
currentProfile = 'default profile';
apply from: rootProject.file('gradle/build_default.gradle');
println 'Current profile: "' + currentProfile + '"

You should also have 2 gradle files; build_prod.gradle and build_local.gradle, and there you could have different dependencies and configuration as you want.

Change maven dependency's version by using different maven profiles

Yes, this can be done (put activeByDefault to whichever profile you need to be default).


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