Differencebetween Class.This and This in Java

What is the difference between Class.this and this in Java

In this case, they are the same. The Class.this syntax is useful when you have a non-static nested class that needs to refer to its outer class's instance.

class Person{
String name;

public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;

class Displayer {
String getPersonName() {
return Person.this.name;


What are the differences between this and this() in java

The first example calls the overloaded constructor in the default constructor. You can call all overloaded constructors this way. It has to be the first line in the constructor, just like calls to super().

The second one shows how the special name this refers to the current instance within the class. It's only required to sort out name duplication:

public class ThisDemo {

private static final String DEFAULT_VALUE = "REQUIRED";
private String value;

public ThisDemo() {

publi ThisDemo(String value) {
// Required here because the private member and parameter have same name
this.value = value;

public String getValue() {
// Not required here, but I prefer to add it.
return value;

Difference between this and .this?

The Class.this syntax is useful when you have a non-static nested class that needs to refer to its enclosing class's instance.It is only used in cases where there is an inner class, and one needs to refer to the enclosing class

Within an instance method or a constructor, this is a reference to the current object — the object whose method or constructor is being called. You can refer to any member of the current object from within an instance method or a constructor by using this.

A good example

   public class TestForThis {

String name;
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;

public String getName() {
return name;

class TestForDotThis {
String name ="in";
String getName() {
return TestForThis.this.name;

public static void main(String[] args) {
TestForThis t = new TestForThis();
TestForThis.TestForDotThis t1 = t.new TestForDotThis();

Output will be


What's the diffrence between this::myMethod and ClassName::myMethod?

this::myMethod refers to myMethod on a specific instance of ClassName - the instance that you put this::myMethod in its code.

ClassName::myMethod can refer to either a static method or an instance method. If it refers to an instance method, it may be executed on a different instance of ClassName each time it is called.

For example:

List<ClassName> list = ...

will execute myMethod each time for a different ClassName member of the list.

Here's a mode detailed example that shows the difference between these two type of method reference:

public class Test ()
String myMethod () {
return hashCode() + " ";
String myMethod (Test other) {
return hashCode() + " ";
public void test () {
List<Test> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add (new Test());
list.add (new Test());
System.out.println (this.hashCode ());
// this will execute myMethod () on each member of the Stream
list.stream ().map (Test::myMethod).forEach (System.out::print);
System.out.println (" ");
// this will execute myMethod (Test other) on the same instance (this) of the class
// note that I had to overload myMethod, since `map` must apply myMethod
// to each element of the Stream, and since this::myMethod means it
// will always be executed on the same instance of Test, we must pass
// the element of the Stream as an argument
list.stream ().map (this::myMethod).forEach (System.out::print);
public static void main (java.lang.String[] args) {
new Test ().test ();


2003749087 // the hash code of the Test instance on which we called test()
1747585824 1023892928 // the hash codes of the members of the List
2003749087 2003749087 // the hash code of the Test instance on which we called test()

In Java, what is the difference between this.method() and method()?

The only time it matters is if you are using OuterClass.this.method() e.g.

class OuterClass {
void method() { }

class InnerClass {
void method() {
OuterClass.this.method(); // not the same as method().

What's the difference between this and Activity.this

this refers to your current object. In your case you must have implemented the intent in an inner class ClickEvent, and thats what it points to.

Activity.this points to the instance of the Activity you are currently in.

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