Conversion to Dalvik Format Failed: Unable to Execute Dex: Java Heap Space

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space

Modify the -XmsAm and -XmxBm paremeters in eclipse.ini so that they are large enough. The default is -Xms40m -Xmx384m. Try changing them both to -Xms512m -Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not, continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens:

  1. Your build completes.
  2. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory.

eclipse.ini is located at /etc/eclipse.ini in Ubuntu (assuming you installed Eclipse from the Ubuntu repositories).

For MAC please see:

Finding eclipse.ini is a wee bit tricky. To locate it, right-click on the Eclipse Application icon and select "Show Package Contents", then double-click on the "Contents" folder and then double-click on the "MacOS" folder, the home of eclipse.ini

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files are defined

Looking at the source you provided, the DraggableGridView class is already under src. So adding the jar that contains the same is redundant and dex will complain about duplicate definitions.

To fix it, just remove the DraggableGridView.jar from your project.

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: GC overhead limit exceeded

The solution to this is to remove rt.jar (there are 18635 class files) file from your project. It's a heavy jar. In JRE or J2EE/J2ME, that jar file used by default. In Android I'll not, so we have to add manually.

Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex SDK Tools 22.3

The multiple dex files error just tell you that you are including the same class file from different sources. Restarting Eclipse or building with Ant will therefore not help as your project setup is just invalid.

As you do not specify what jars you are using, there is no way to tell what is going on for sure.

However, the newest Google Play library includes ads and my guess would be that you are including both Admob and Google Play Services which apparently contain the same classes. In that case you should migrate your code to use the Google Play Service ads and remove the admob jar from your project.

android eclipse unable to execute dex java heap space error

Try the following:

Right click your project. Go to Properties -> Java Build Path -> Order and Export.


Uncheck the check box against your included library. Press OK and run the project.

On doing this Eclipse will take only the classes which are needed in the code, from the jar instead of storing all the classes from the jar.

And also see this question.

Second Technique

Modify the -XmsAm and -XmxBm paremeters in eclipse.ini so that they are large enough. The default is -Xms40m -Xmx384m. Try changing them both to -Xms512m -Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not, continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens:

  1. Your build completes.
  2. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory.

eclipse.ini is located at /etc/eclipse.ini in Ubuntu (assuming you installed Eclipse from the Ubuntu repositories).

For MAC please see:

Finding eclipse.ini is a wee bit tricky. To locate it, right-click on the Eclipse Application icon and select "Show Package Contents", then double-click on the "Contents" folder and then double-click on the "MacOS" folder, the home of eclipse.ini

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