Check Whether Number Is Even or Odd

How do I check if an integer is even or odd?

Use the modulo (%) operator to check if there's a remainder when dividing by 2:

if (x % 2) { /* x is odd */ }

A few people have criticized my answer above stating that using x & 1 is "faster" or "more efficient". I do not believe this to be the case.

Out of curiosity, I created two trivial test case programs:

/* modulo.c */
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
int x;
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
if (x % 2)
printf("%d is odd\n", x);
return 0;

/* and.c */
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
int x;
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
if (x & 1)
printf("%d is odd\n", x);
return 0;

I then compiled these with gcc 4.1.3 on one of my machines 5 different times:

  • With no optimization flags.
  • With -O
  • With -Os
  • With -O2
  • With -O3

I examined the assembly output of each compile (using gcc -S) and found that in each case, the output for and.c and modulo.c were identical (they both used the andl $1, %eax instruction). I doubt this is a "new" feature, and I suspect it dates back to ancient versions. I also doubt any modern (made in the past 20 years) non-arcane compiler, commercial or open source, lacks such optimization. I would test on other compilers, but I don't have any available at the moment.

If anyone else would care to test other compilers and/or platform targets, and gets a different result, I'd be very interested to know.

Finally, the modulo version is guaranteed by the standard to work whether the integer is positive, negative or zero, regardless of the implementation's representation of signed integers. The bitwise-and version is not. Yes, I realise two's complement is somewhat ubiquitous, so this is not really an issue.

How to determine whether a number is even or odd and then count them in Java

Let us say you got 5 numbers. Create the array for them and then loop through it. Check every element if the remainder of division by 2 is 0 or 1.

int even = 0;
int odd = 0;

int[] array = new int[5];

for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++)
if (array[i]%2 == 0)

Check if a number is odd or even in Python

if num % 2 == 0:
pass # Even
pass # Odd

The % sign is like division only it checks for the remainder, so if the number divided by 2 has a remainder of 0 it's even otherwise odd.

Or reverse them for a little speed improvement, since any number above 0 is also considered "True" you can skip needing to do any equality check:

if num % 2:
pass # Odd
pass # Even

How to determines whether two integers are even or odd

Your current code is not checking all four combinations. I would use this logic:

if (num1 + num2) % 2 == 1:
print("One Number is Even and the other is Odd")
elif num1 % 2 == 0 and num2 % 2 == 0:
print("The Numbers are Even")
print("The Numbers are Odd")

Note that the first condition if the above if block rests on that an odd number plus an even number will always result in an odd number, whose mod 2 remainder will be 1.

How to check if a number is odd or even in little man computer

The infinite loop occurs at BRP ODD. Be aware that BRP also branches when the accumulator is zero. So it is a "branch when not negative" instruction. And when the execution continues at ODD, it falls through to EVEN, which makes the code at ODD irrelevant. At EVEN the accumulator is loaded with zero, and so the BRP will branch again... infinitely.

There is also a missing check for 0: when the input is zero, you should not perform the subtraction at all.

Not a problem, but having a reference to mailbox 60 can be better replaced with a reference to a label, like ZERO.

The code includes logic that really isn't necessary:

You have included code to calculate the quotient, since the code adds ONE to the RESULT every time you subtract the DIVISOR from the NUMBER. However, that RESULT is finally overwritten with either ONE or zero (address 60), so that quotient was calculated for nothing. As you only want to output whether the input was odd or even, you should drop the quotient calculation from your code.

Also avoid code repetition. You currently perform the SUB at two different places. This should not be necessary as the logic should be the same in both instances.

Here is the code reduced to its basics:

#input: 11
LOOP BRZ OUTPUT # remainder is zero! so output a zero
LDA ONE # when result is negative, input was odd

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Testing if a high number is odd or even in C

The problem is not in the modulo operation, but in the type of data you are using.

Your id number is an int, which is (in this case) formed with 32 bits. This means that the maximum number you can use is 2,147,483,647, and you are using a bigger number.

You should try using long, or a number type that uses more than 32 bits, like long long. This means that the maximum number you can use is 263 - 1 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, solving your problem.

So, you should make these changes in your code:

long long id;
printf("Enter the Id: ");
scanf("%lld", &id);

This Page provides a good explanation of the types available in C++.

How to determine if a number is odd in JavaScript

Use the below code:

function isOdd(num) { return num % 2;}console.log("1 is " + isOdd(1));console.log("2 is " + isOdd(2));console.log("3 is " + isOdd(3));console.log("4 is " + isOdd(4));

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