Android - Change App Theme on Onclick

On Button click change the theme of whole application dynamically and store it

You need to persist your theme somewhere. You can use SharedPreferences for it, for example. Than retreive your theme and set it to Activity before setContentView.

So. you need to add saving to changeToTheme(Activity activity, int theme) and retreiving to onActivityCreateSetTheme(Activity activity)

How to change current Theme at runtime in Android

I would like to see the method too, where you set once for all your activities. But as far I know you have to set in each activity before showing any views.

For reference check this:

Edit (copied from that forum):

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Call setTheme before creation of any(!) View.

// ...


If you call setTheme after super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); your activity recreated but if you call setTheme before super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); your theme will set and activity
does not recreate anymore

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// ...

I want to change the theme of my whole application

Here is the nice tutorial for changing the theme on Button click

and also Here is the tutorial for the Styling Android With Defaults

Switching application-wide theme programmatically?

Create a base activity for your app and override onCreate to set the theme. Derive all your other activities from this base activity.

Also check this tutorial:

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