Access Resource Files in Android

Access resource files in Android

If you have a file in res/raw/textfile.txt from your Activity/Widget call:

getResources().openRawResource(...) returns an InputStream

The dots should actually be an integer found in R.raw... corresponding to your filename, possibly R.raw.textfile (it's usually the name of the file without extension)

new BufferedInputStream(getResources().openRawResource(...)); then read the content of the file as a stream

Accessing a resource file in Android

Assuming you want to open a stream to process the file you should be doing this:

InputStream raw = getResources().openRawResource(; 


Ok, now that I know exactly what you want, I have bad news. Not really possible.

See this SO question

Basically you would need to copy the file out of resources to somewhere that you can get at it like the SD card or internal storage.

How to load a resource file from url?

So if I'm understanding you, you need an input stream that reads your XML from a web server. That would look like this:

InputStream is = new URL("").openConnection().getInputStream();

However there's much more to this, you can't do this on the main thread (see NetworkOnMainThreadException) and you have to be prepared that there is no internet connection or that it downloads slowly. So I don't know what you use this configuration for but for example you may have to have defaults and put a "please wait" message on the screen.

Access to resource folder route

It is recommended to read Resources Overview from Android docs,but if your problem is only about accessing resources,read Accessing Resources.So you can do what you want.

Summery,there is some ways to access resources that depends on situations,for example when you know name of resource or you know it's ID.And also it depends that where you want to access resources.

In your case I guess that you want to access a drawable in your code,if it is true,you can do like this:

For example if name of your .png file is myimage and you have to set it in ImageView with name im do this:

ImageView im = ...;


If you have to get an InputStream form a file in resources,you should consider creating a raw folder inside res directory and put your file in it and then call getResources().openRawResource(resourceName) from your Activity or widget.For example :

InputStream ins = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.test);

Here your file that is in raw folder is for example test.png.

You can see more details here:

Using files as raw resources in Android

Android: Loading files from the Assets and Raw folders




Finally if you want to create an output file from your resource,get an InputStream from it and write it's content to an OutputStream,you can see a good example here.

Android, accessing resource files from a native/NDK shared library

According to this answer, the NDK provides an API to access the assets folder (AAssetManager, see here).

Alternatively, an easy way that I used in one of my projects is to write the necessary files to the filesystem (e.g. /storage or /sdcard) on the Java side and then only pass the filepath to the NDK.

How to get access to raw resources that I put in res folder?

InputStream raw = context.getAssets().open("filename.ext");

Reader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(raw, "UTF8"));

Android access to resources outside of activity

If the folders are included in the Project Build Path, you can use ClassLoader access files under them outside the android.content.Context, for instance, from a POJO (in case if you don't want to pass a reference of android.content.Context):

String file = "res/raw/test.txt";
InputStream in = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file);
  • The res folder is included into Project Build Path by default by all Android SDK version so far.
  • The assets folder was included into Project Build Path by default before Android SDK r14.

To add folders into Project Build Path, right click your project -- Build Path -- Configure Build Path, add your folder (for example, assets if using later SDK version) as a Source folder in build path.

Check out the similar question I answered before at here.

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