Xcode6 Error: "No Matching Provisioning Profiles Found for Application"

Xcode6 error: No matching provisioning profiles found for application

There's a couple possibilities for your issue, but the main causes is what I got from experience as well as other SO answers.

  1. Your certificate or profile is outdated, in which case you have to go and regenerate your profiles again. I had this problem before, but Apple has described (partially) this issue.
  2. You haven't set your profile in the Build Settings/Code Signing area, along with the appropriate certificates. Verify your Team in General/Identity and ensure that your profile is properly set.

    From Xcode 5: Code signing entitlement errors (The image is a bit outdated, but its the same as Xcode 6):
    Build Settings Code Signing section

  3. You are using a beta version of Xcode.
  4. @jaytrixz states: "I just removed Entitlements.plist in Code Signing Entitlements under Build Settings" which could possibly work. Be sure that your provisioning profiles are configured as well.

No matching provisioning profiles found (None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements)

You need to go to developer.apple.com and log in as your developer account. Go to the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section, and find the app ID for your app. Click on it to expend the capabilities for the app ID. Make sure In App Purchases is enabled for both development and distribution (more info here).

Apple developer app ID services screen

Once you've made sure it is there, you'll want to re-generate the provisioning profile for the app ID, and then re-download the profile to your Mac. I tend to remove all my old provisioning profiles when I do this, since having multiple profiles for the same application ID can sometimes confuse Xcode. Provisioning profiles on your Mac are stored in /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

After doing this, it isn't necessary, but I usually recommend devs to quit and relaunch Xcode.

As for resources, I think Apple's session, What's New in Code Signing, from WWDC 2016 was a great one for understanding the components that are required for code signing to work.

iOS codesign error No matching provisioning profiles found

On the general tab in project settings you will be getting a warning and a fix issue button right below "Team" click on that, xcode will take care the rest for you.

HealthKit: No matching provisioning profiles found error

The issue got fixed.

  1. Revoked a development certificate.
  2. Generated a new development certificate.
  3. Updated provisioning profile.

no matching provisioning profiles found in xcode 6

In fact, you need to create a new Distribution profile, specific for Ad Hoc Deployment. This can be found in the classic member center, but it is a new type of certificate.

You can then select which devices can be used to test the app as ou would do with a developer profile.

And the newly created certificate will be available when you export your package from the Organizer the usual way.

Alternatively you can use the TestFlight solution provided by Apple with iOS 8 to enable your user to have access to prerelease.

Sample Image

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