Xcode - Error Creating Lldb Target

Xcode - Error creating LLDB target

Did you use Architectures=$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) and run your app on a 64 bit device? (iPhone 5S or iPhone 5S simulator)

Apple seems to be stricter with apps which don't support 64bit. So if there is no specific reason, I think it's better to include arm64 in your build architecture


An app extension target must include the arm64 architecture in its Architectures build settings or it will be rejected by the App Store. Xcode includes this architecture with its “Standard architectures” setting when you create a new app extension target.

If your containing app target links to an embedded framework, the app must also include the arm64 architecture or it will be rejected by the App Store.

For more information about 64-bit development, see 64-Bit Transition Guide for Cocoa Touch or 64-Bit Transition Guide for Cocoa, depending on your target platform.

Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/ExtensionCreation.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014214-CH5-SW1

Warning: Error creating LLDB target at some path

This warning is solved by changing Build Settings :

  1. Select Project -> Build Settings
  2. Change 'Architectures' to 'Standard architectures (armv7, arm64) - $(ARCHS_STANDARD)'
    Step 2

  3. This will prompt an alert stating iOS 5.1.1 and above are supported. Click 'Change Deployment Target to 5.1.1'

Step 3

  1. Repeat steps for Target (if not changed automatically)

Step 4

Also, this is preferred build setting since Apple is forcing developers to build apps on 64 bit architecture. Apple document Link

XCode 7: Error creating LLDB target

The problem has been solved by adding arm64 to Valid Architectures as well. More about the difference between Architectures and Valid Architectures is here.

Calling method is causing Error creating LLDB target

You're calling a class method from an instance method.

+ (NSMutableData *)GetDataToSendToPrinter:(UIImage *)image //Should be called using the class name
- (IBAction)DevButton_TouchUpInside:(id)sender //Should be called using self

I'm not sure how that compiled actually, you should've gotten an error like this:

No visible @interface for IOS_SDKViewControllerRasterMode declares the selector 'GetDataToSendToPrinter:'

Per the log it spit out, it's not finding the function GetDataToSendToPrinter:. Try calling it as a class method:

NSMutableData *commandsToPrint = [IOS_SDKViewControllerRasterMode GetDataToSendToPrinter:imageToPrint];

LLDB Target Language - Swift Only Available in Xcode

You probably have a brew or llvm.org install of the clang toolchain, including lldb, in front of /usr/bin/lldb on your path. The clang toolchains don't include the swift compiler, or a swift-enabled lldb.

Running the lldb will find the first lldb installed on your path, which is probably a clang one from home-brew or llvm.org.

Running the command xcrun lldb will always run the one from your installed Xcode. Also, you can tell by the result of the version command in lldb. The swift enabled versions will print the Apple Swift version along with the lldb version. The clang ones won't.

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