Xcode 10: Unable to Attach Db Error

Xcode 10: unable to attach DB error

Okay, seems like I managed to solve it. I was having /bin/sh script in Build Phases that was trying to build fat static library. In the script, I had OBJROOT path set like this:


Seems like Xcode 10 and new build system changed some paths on the way and this line was the source of the issue. It needs to be adjusted to:


After that, xcodebuild manages to build this target without issues with new build system introduced in Xcode 10.

I didn't get to this solution by myself, big thanks to Matt Gallagher and his post in here: https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlSignal/issues/24#issuecomment-396931001

As requested by @TMin in comment, here's how my script looks like:

set -e

# If we're already inside this script then die
exit 0


function build_static_library {
echo "1"
echo "${BUILD_DIR}"
# Will rebuild the static library as specified
# build_static_library sdk
xcrun xcodebuild -project "${PROJECT_FILE_PATH}" \
-target "${TARGET_NAME}" \
-configuration "${CONFIGURATION}" \
-sdk "${1}" \

function make_fat_library {
# Will smash 2 static libs together
# make_fat_library in1 in2 out
xcrun lipo -create "${1}" "${2}" -output "${3}"

# 1 - Extract the platform (iphoneos/iphonesimulator) from the SDK name
if [[ "$SDK_NAME" =~ ([A-Za-z]+) ]]; then
echo "Could not find platform name from SDK_NAME: $SDK_NAME"
exit 1

# 2 - Extract the version from the SDK
if [[ "$SDK_NAME" =~ ([0-9]+.*$) ]]; then
echo "Could not find sdk version from SDK_NAME: $SDK_NAME"
exit 1

# 3 - Determine the other platform
if [ "$RW_SDK_PLATFORM" == "iphoneos" ]; then

# 4 - Find the build directory
if [[ "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR" =~ (.*)$RW_SDK_PLATFORM$ ]]; then
echo "Could not find other platform build directory."
exit 1

# Build the other platform.
build_static_library "${RW_OTHER_PLATFORM}${RW_SDK_VERSION}"

# If we're currently building for iphonesimulator, then need to rebuild
# to ensure that we get both i386 and x86_64
if [ "$RW_SDK_PLATFORM" == "iphonesimulator" ]; then
build_static_library "${SDK_NAME}"

# Join the 2 static libs into 1 and push into the .framework
make_fat_library "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${RW_INPUT_STATIC_LIB}" \

# Ensure that the framework is present in both platform's build directories

# Copy the framework to the project directory
ditto "${RW_FRAMEWORK_LOCATION}" "${SRCROOT}/Frameworks/static/${RW_FRAMEWORK_NAME}Sdk.framework"

Problem is in build_static_library method in this line:


Changing that line to:

OBJROOT="${OBJROOT}/DependantBuilds" \

solves the issue for me.

Xcode 13.4.1 error: unable to attach DB: error: accessing build database (react native)

After almost one day of debugging this issue, came to know about this article which solves the problem for me, although article has more than one steps but I just tried the last one and it worked, mentioning the steps below,

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
cd ios
pod deintegrate
pod update
yarn run ios or npm run ios

Xcode 10 beta error while building my project?


As I said with Legacy build system everything working fine but not with new build system.


Removed script and manually added SDK binary to my project tested with new build system works fine..

I am thinking with new build system when I am building SDK with help of script it's taking as two builds concurrently and throwing error.

Xcode build fail: Requested but did not find extension point

Quick fix:

  1. Manually download Xcode Command Line Tools from https://developer.apple.com

  2. Activate downloaded command line tools using sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

  3. Restart Xcode

  4. (only for official react-native setup): Comment out these lines from ios/Podfile:


    # post_install do |installer|



  5. (only for official react-native setup): Run pod update

Description of what went wrong:
I was finally able to fix the problem. Since I simply followed the setup guide for MacOs as described here, I think it is useful to elaborate on what I did in to fix the issue described above. Some people may face the same difficulties.

First things first: The underlying error is caused by Xcode itself.

error: unable to attach DB: error: accessing build database [...]

is only the consequence of the other two errors from the output, namely

Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode [...]

These errors occur when running the application for the first time. When trying to restart the application, the earlier instance of the program still tries to access the database which causes the error.

Therefore, I will explain how to fix the missing dependencies Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionToBundleIdentifierMap.watchOS and Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.AppExtensionHosts.watchOS. I found out how to fix that error based on this Apple Community post. In my case, I had to manually install Xcode Command Line Tools from the Apple Developer Website. Next, Xcode has to integrate these downloaded command line tools using sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools. Once you have restarted Xcode and followed the official setup guide from react-native you will face another build error.

This error will occur because the initial Xcode configuration collides with the Podfile generated by npm react-native init MyProject on ios. To fix this, comment out lines from the podfile (see 4.) and after running pod update, your setup of react-native should finally work.

I hope that I was able to help a couple of lost developers who want to get started with React Native for ios Apps.

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