What Dpi Resolution Is Used for an iPhone App

DPI in Retina iPad app design

The DPI of your Photoshop file does not matter. You can go into Photoshop and change the DPI to whatever you want. Going from non-Retina to Retina is "sort of" like doubling your DPI, however.

If you've already created a design assuming a 1024x768 resolution for the iPad, you will need to recreate the design to at 2048x1536. Where the concept of dpi comes into play is that the density of data should remain consistent at both retina and non-retina resolutions. You'll just need to recreate each bitmap-based element in your file at 4 times the resolution you originally had if you start with a non-retina file. It is sort of like going from 72 dpi to 144 dpi.

What are the dimensions, file types, and ppi resolution of an iOS app icon?

The icon should be a 57x57 pixel PNG. The PNGs generated by Apple have a PPI of 72.01 so I guess something in that range will work fine. Don't have a very high PPI else images are not rendered properly.

If you want to use a custom icon and not let the iPhone to apply the gloss to your icon, add a key to info.plist called UIPrerenderedIcon (is a boolean value) and make it checked.

When submitting the app to the app store, you will need a 512x512 pixel version of your app's icon (this one in jpeg or tiff format) and at least one screenshot of your app. You can have additional 4 screenshots of the app.

Now the specs for icon (to be submitted in iTunes connect) and the app icons have changed. The icon to be submitted to itunesconnect must be 1024x1024 px.

For the app icons, you can find details here - http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/App-RelatedResources/App-RelatedResources.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW1

Also, make sure the icon files are NON-INTERLACED PNG files. Recently one of our apps' binary was marked invalid since one of the app icon files was an interlaced PNG.

The resolution of pictures of IOS app

The answers to your questions can be found here.

But in short, 72 dpi is what you want. Retina screen imagery is termed 'High Definition' but is simply twice the size as non Retina imagery, i.e. your app icon is nominally 57x57 pixels but your retina variant of the same icon is 114x114 pixels (both images being 72dpi).

Re: your photoshop query. I have no idea about photoshop itself but in this instance I can't imagine why an image less than 72dpi would cause too great an issue. Photoshop gurus will be able to tell you why this is happening.

What resolution to set for designing iphone apps in Photoshop?

For layout purposes, dpi doesn't matter. Position something 10pts away from the edge and it will be about 10pts away from the edge regardless of dpi. When showing text and images, the OS will show at the best resolution it can.

That's why two forms of the image should be stored with the app. MyImage.png and MyImage@2x.png. The @2x image is just that, an image that is double in size that will be shown in the same position and size as the original, just at a better resolution.

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