Uitextfield Keyboard with Only Alphabet, No Numbers, No Caps, No Spacebar

UITextfield keyboard with only alphabet, no numbers, no caps, no spacebar?

An easiet way would be:

if let range = string.rangeOfCharacterFromSet(NSCharacterSet.letterCharacterSet())
return true
else {
return false

JQuery pass model to controller

Html POST and GET are all about name/value pairs… MVC evaluates the names to see if they can be mapped to the Action parameters (in this case your model). Given this basic knowledge, you can pass your Model data to the Action method by serializing it into name/value pairs using the Model’s properties as the “name” part of the name/value pairs.

swift if or/and statement like python

You can use


for logical and


for logical or

so you can do

if a > 0 && i == j || f < 3 {

see here

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