The Array Value Should Be Sort Like (Alphabetic, Numbers and Special Characters)

The array value should be sort like (alphabetic, numbers and special characters)

let words = ["23412334","&234@fwv","Kofi", "Abena", "Peter", "Kweku", "Akosua"]

func sortedNumbersLast(words: [String]) -> [String] {
var startsWithDigit = [String]()
var startsWithCharacter = [String]()
var startsWithSymbol = [String]()

for word in words {
if let first = word.characters.first {
if first >= "0" && first <= "9" {
else {
if(!(first >= "a" && first <= "z") && !(first >= "A" && first <= "Z") ){

return startsWithCharacter.sorted(by: <) + startsWithDigit.sorted(by: <) + startsWithSymbol.sorted()
print(sortedNumbersLast(words: words))

["Abena", "Akosua", "Kofi", "Kweku", "Peter", "23412334", "&234@fwv"]

Modified Answer

In javascript sorting strings with numbers and special characters

If you like to sort by groups, like letters and/or digits, you could take sorting with options of String#localeCompare.

var array = ["AB_UI08","AB_UI03","AB_UI07","AB_UI04","AB_UI05","AB_UI014","AB_UI01","AB_UI09","AB_UI010","AB_UI011","AB_UI012","AB_UI013","AB_UI06","AB_UI016","AB_UI07","AB_UI018","AB_UI019","AB_UI015","AB_UI020","AB_UI02"];
console.log(array.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' })));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

C array sorting ignoring special characters

You can pre-process the string and use strcmp to compare the processed string:

// Inside the two-layer for loop
char newb[size], newz[size];
int ib, iz, tb = 0, tz = 0;
for (ib = 0; processNames[b][ib] != '\0'; ib++){
if (isalpha(processNames[b][ib])) {
newb[tb++] = processNames[b][ib];
newb[tb] = 0;
for (iz = 0; processNames[z][iz] != '\0'; iz++){
if (isalpha(processNames[z][iz])) {
newz[tz++] = processNames[z][iz];
newz[tz] = 0;

if (strcmp(newb, newz)) {
// swap the ORIGINAL string here

The above code is what I came up with at first. It is very inefficient and is not recommended. Alternatively, you can write your own mystrcmp() implementation:

int mystrcmp(const char* a, const char *b){
while (*a && *b) {
while (*a && !isalpha(*a)) a++;
while (*b && !isalpha(*b)) b++;
if (*a - *b) return *a - *b;
a++, b++;
return *a - *b;

how to Json Dictionary Array value sorting like (A-z, 0-9 and special char) in Swift

Here you go

func isDigit(c: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool {
let digits = CharacterSet.decimalDigits
return digits.contains(c)

func isAlphabet(c : UnicodeScalar) -> Bool {
let letters = CharacterSet.letters
return letters.contains(c)

func getSpecialSorted ( arrayOfStudents : [[String : String]]) -> [[String : String]] {
var arrayStartingWithAlphabets = [[String : String]]()
var arrayStartingWithDigits = [[String : String]]()
var arrayStartingWithAlphanumeric = [[String : String]]()
for student in arrayOfStudents {
if isDigit(c: (student["fullName"]?.unicodeScalars.first!)!) {
} else if isAlphabet(c:(student["fullName"]?.unicodeScalars.first!)!) {
} else {
arrayStartingWithAlphabets = getNormalSorted(array : arrayStartingWithAlphabets)
arrayStartingWithDigits = getNormalSorted(array: arrayStartingWithDigits)
arrayStartingWithAlphanumeric = getNormalSorted(array: arrayStartingWithAlphanumeric)
return arrayStartingWithAlphabets + arrayStartingWithDigits + arrayStartingWithAlphanumeric

func getNormalSorted(array : [[String : String]]) -> [[String: String]]{
let sortedArray = array.sorted { (firstStudent, secondStudent) -> Bool in
if let firstName = firstStudent["fullName"] , let
secondName = secondStudent["fullName"] {
return == ComparisonResult.orderedAscending
return false
return sortedArray

Also you need to change your declaration like

let students = [["fullName": "23412334", "number": "39485793"],["fullName": "&234@fwv", "number": "395793"],["fullName": "Abena", "number": "3572343"],["fullName": "Peter", "number": "394568993"],["fullName": "Kweku", "number": "309693"]]
let sortedResults = getSpecialSorted(arrayOfStudents: students)

In Swift, how do I sort an array of strings and have strings of numbers, symbols, etc. always come after alphabetic strings?

The key is to write your "is ordered before" function to do whatever you want. For example, if by digits, you mean "0"..."9", then something like this is probably what you want:

func isDigit(c: Character) -> Bool {
return "0" <= c && c <= "9"

func sortedLettersFirst(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
for (lc, rc) in zip(lhs.characters, rhs.characters) {
if lc == rc { continue }

if isDigit(lc) && !isDigit(rc) {
return false
if !isDigit(lc) && isDigit(rc) {
return true
return lc < rc
return lhs.characters.count < rhs.characters.count


Of course, if by "digit" you mean "unicode digits", then see What is the replacement for isDigit() for characters in Swift? for a different approach to isDigit. But ultimately, the point is to make whatever rule you want in your isOrderedBefore function, and pass that to sort().

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