String to Double in Xcode 6's Swift

Swift - How to convert String to Double

Swift 4.2+ String to Double

You should use the new type initializers to convert between String and numeric types (Double, Float, Int). It'll return an Optional type (Double?) which will have the correct value or nil if the String was not a number.

Note: The NSString doubleValue property is not recommended because it returns 0 if the value cannot be converted (i.e.: bad user input).

let lessPrecisePI = Float("3.14")

let morePrecisePI = Double("3.1415926536")
let invalidNumber = Float("alphabet") // nil, not a valid number

Unwrap the values to use them using if/let

if let cost = Double(textField.text!) {
print("The user entered a value price of \(cost)")
} else {
print("Not a valid number: \(textField.text!)")

You can convert formatted numbers and currency using the NumberFormatter class.

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.current // USA: Locale(identifier: "en_US")
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
let number = formatter.number(from: "9,999.99")

Currency formats

let usLocale = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
let frenchLocale = Locale(identifier: "fr_FR")
let germanLocale = Locale(identifier: "de_DE")
let englishUKLocale = Locale(identifier: "en_GB") // United Kingdom
formatter.numberStyle = .currency

formatter.locale = usLocale
let usCurrency = formatter.number(from: "$9,999.99")

formatter.locale = frenchLocale
let frenchCurrency = formatter.number(from: "9999,99€")
// Note: "9 999,99€" fails with grouping separator
// Note: "9999,99 €" fails with a space before the €

formatter.locale = germanLocale
let germanCurrency = formatter.number(from: "9999,99€")
// Note: "9.999,99€" fails with grouping separator

formatter.locale = englishUKLocale
let englishUKCurrency = formatter.number(from: "£9,999.99")

Read more on my blog post about converting String to Double types (and currency).

How to convert string to double in swift

Value of optional type 'Double?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?

This error appears because you are trying to add an optional value to total.

Double(item) produces an optional result so you can add it in if-let chain.

    if let item = value as? String, let doubleVal = Double(item) {
total += doubleVal

Unable to convert String to double Swift

Please try this:

extension String {
func toDouble() -> Double? {
return NumberFormatter().number(from: self)?.doubleValue

You can access like that:

var myString = "1.2"
var myDouble = myString.toDouble()

Sample Image

You can remove optional as below:

if let data:NSDictionary = snap.value as! NSDictionary,  let lat = data.value(forKey: "lat"),let lng = data.value(forKey: "lng") {
//then use thes let long to convert in Double

let latValue = lat.toDouble()
let lngValue = lng.toDouble()

xcode: need to convert strings to double and back to string

In Swift 2 there are new failable initializers that allow you to do this in more safe way, the Double("") returns an optional in cases like passing in "abc" string the failable initializer will return nil, so then you can use optional-binding to handle it like in the following way:

let s1 = "4.55"
let s2 = "3.15"

if let n1 = Double(s1), let n2 = Double(s2) {
let newString = String( n1 - n2)
else {
print("Some string is not a double value")

If you're using a version of Swift < 2, then old way was:

var n1 = ("9.99" as NSString).doubleValue  // invalid returns 0, not an optional. (not recommended)

// invalid returns an optional value (recommended)
var pi = NSNumberFormatter().numberFromString("3.14")?.doubleValue

Swift 4 - Convert string in double value with NSString

Don't do that.

Basically you can bridge cast String to NSString

let nsString = "12.34" as NSString

rather than using an initializer (the error message says there is no appropriate initializer without a parameter label), but casting to NSString to get the doubleValue is the wrong way in Swift.

Get the String, use the Double initializer and unwrap the optionals safely

if let lat = array[indexPath.row]["lat"] as? String, 
let latAsDouble = Double(lat) {
// do something with latAsDouble

swift: issue in converting string to double

There are two different issues here. First – as already mentioned in
the comments – a binary floating point number cannot represent the
number 8.7 precisely. Swift uses the IEEE 754 standard for representing
single- and double-precision floating point numbers, and if you assign

let x = 8.7

then the closest representable number is stored in x, and that is


Much more information about this can be found in the excellent
Q&A Is floating point math broken?.

The second issue is: Why is the number sometimes printed as "8.7"
and sometimes as "8.6999999999999993"?

let str = "8.7"
print(Double(str)) // Optional(8.6999999999999993)

let x = 8.7
print(x) // 8.7

Is Double("8.7") different from 8.7? Is one more precise than
the other?

To answer these questions, we need to know how the print()
function works:

  • If an argument conforms to CustomStringConvertible, the print function calls its description property and prints the result
    to the standard output.
  • Otherwise, if an argument conforms to CustomDebugStringConvertible,
    the print function calls is debugDescription property and prints
    the result to the standard output.
  • Otherwise, some other mechanism is used. (Not imported here for our

The Double type conforms to CustomStringConvertible, therefore

let x = 8.7
print(x) // 8.7

produces the same output as

let x = 8.7
print(x.description) // 8.7

But what happens in

let str = "8.7"
print(Double(str)) // Optional(8.6999999999999993)

Double(str) is an optional, and struct Optional does not
conform to CustomStringConvertible, but to
CustomDebugStringConvertible. Therefore the print function calls
the debugDescription property of Optional, which in turn
calls the debugDescription of the underlying Double.
Therefore – apart from being an optional – the number output is
the same as in

let x = 8.7
print(x.debugDescription) // 8.6999999999999993

But what is the difference between description and debugDescription
for floating point values? From the Swift source code one can see
that both ultimately call the swift_floatingPointToString
function in Stubs.cpp, with the Debug parameter set to false and true, respectively.
This controls the precision of the number to string conversion:

  int Precision = std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10;
if (Debug) {
Precision = std::numeric_limits<T>::max_digits10;

For the meaning of those constants, see

  • digits10 – number of decimal digits that can be represented without change,
  • max_digits10 – number of decimal digits necessary to differentiate all values of this type.

So description creates a string with less decimal digits. That
string can be converted to a Double and back to a string giving
the same result.
debugDescription creates a string with more decimal digits, so that
any two different floating point values will produce a different output.


  • Most decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly as a binary
    floating point value.
  • The description and debugDescription methods of the floating
    point types use a different precision for the conversion to a
    string. As a consequence,
  • printing an optional floating point value uses a different precision for the conversion than printing a non-optional value.

Therefore in your case, you probably want to unwrap the optional
before printing it:

let str = "8.7"
if let d = Double(str) {
print(d) // 8.7

For better control, use NSNumberFormatter or formatted
printing with the %.<precision>f format.

Another option can be to use (NS)DecimalNumber instead of Double
(e.g. for currency amounts), see e.g. Round Issue in swift.

Swift double to string

It is not casting, it is creating a string from a value with a format.

let a: Double = 1.5
let b: String = String(format: "%f", a)

print("b: \(b)") // b: 1.500000

With a different format:

let c: String = String(format: "%.1f", a)

print("c: \(c)") // c: 1.5

You can also omit the format property if no formatting is needed.

How can I convert String to Double without losing precision in swift

What you want to use is NSString(format:) for the visual format of your value.

Swiftstub sample

To always show 2 digits visually use this:

NSString(format: "%.2f", value)

String to Double and leading whitespace

This is fully documented. Look at the documentation for the init method that takes a StringProtocol.

Near the end of all of the examples, it states:

Passing any other format or any additional characters as text results in nil. For example, the following conversions result in nil:

Double(" 5.0")      // Includes whitespace

So your solution to trim whitespace before conversion is the correct one.

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