Still Not Optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Still not optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

After few additional adjustments made, I had re-submitted the app few days ago. Now it's live and optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus!

Here are the steps I made:

  • Added App icon (including Settings Icon and Spotlight Icon) & Launch images to Images.xcassets in proper resolution and naming of the files (self-explanatory as they are) was done as following:

Sample ImageSample Image

  • Additionally added Launch Screen file. Because Apple says it's important to add.
    Sample Image

  • Made sure that App icon, Launch Image and Launch file sources were properly selected at Project Targets -> General
    Sample Image

  • Adjusted all inner screens to fit with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus screens, of course!

  • Made sure that arm64 was included in Project Targets -> Build Settings. (Bye bye iOS 5 support!)
    Sample Image

  • Removed armv7 from Required device capabilities (a.k.a. UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities) in info.plist
    Sample Image

  • On iTunes Connect, added screenshots for 4.7 and 5.5 inches devices excluding the device status bar. [Screenshot Properties]

This app is optimised for iPhone 6/6 Plus

If you add the launch images for the new iPhone 6 resolutions only (without the new launch storyboard), you will still get the "Optimized for iPhone 6".

I chose not to use the launch storyboard scene in my apps yet since I'm still supporting iOS7, which requires launch images and doesn't support the launch storyboard (iOS 7 will simply ignore the launch storyboard). My apps all say "This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus."

If you decide to require iOS 8, you should consider using only the launch storyboard and drop the old launch images. Then, when new resolution devices come out, you may not need an update.

Has 'Optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus' been removed by Apple?

It appears to have been removed.

Earlier, you could add it by adding either a launch storyboard or launch images — which you should still do. (See this question.)

Optimized for iPhone 6 info text in App Store

The solution was to add @3x versions for all used images and using the new size classes. You notice the app from switching to iPhone 6 supported when e.g. table cells look different (get very small) to adjust to the new screen size.

Update for clarity:

Before iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, my images were named like this:


In order to get the wanted optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus text, you need to add a third resolution of each image and name them with a @3x where the @2x was before. So you end up having these three images -per image you want to show in the app-.


Do I really have to explicitly support iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screens?

Using a launch file only works for iOS 8+, so if you're targeting iOS 7+, you'll still need static launch images to support iOS 7 anyway.

Other than a few required launch images and icons, providing higher resolution images (e.g. @2x) within your app has always been optional.

Use the scale modes on image views to automatically scale the images to fit.

You'll need to provide static launch images or a launch file for the new iPhone 6 screens or your app won't get the "Optimized for iPhone 6" text on your app page in the App Store.

Supporting iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ with different launch/splash screen image for iPad Portrait and Landscape orientations

You don´t have to use the launch screen file to make your App iPhone 6 / 6+ resolution compatible. Instead, you can select the LaunchImage asset as your Launch Images Source.

It can be found at "App Icons and Launch Images" under your Targets:

Sample Image

If there is no LaunchImage asset just go to your Images.xcassets, make a secondary click (right click) and select "New Launch Image":

Sample Image

The result is something like that:

Sample Image

Now just drag and drop your images for the specific resolutions you want to support and set the created LaunchImage asset as your source.

Hope it helps


Xcode 6 resizes app automatically for iPhone 6 and 6 plus

If you don't use a launch story board or include launch images for the new iPhone 6 sizes, the entire screen will expand to fill the new device size (same thing happens when enabling Zoom in accessibility settings). The iPhone 6 user will notice larger fonts, images, etc.

This is what's happening. The problem is that you don't get to take advantage of extra screen real estate (extra pixels). If that's cool with you, then keep it, but when you do finally optimize your app to use that extra real-estate the iPhone 6 users will suddenly complain that the font size has gotten smaller when it stops auto-zooming.

You should spend the time to optimize it for iPhone 6 and include launch images (or launch story board if supporting iOS 8+ only), and get the "Optimized for iPhone 6" note added to your app description.

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