Sinch Integration in Swift Project

Sinch Integration in swift project

The problem that was that I didn't add the Bridging-Header.h

#import <Sinch/Sinch.h>

Can sinch api be used with swift

Use CocoaPod to install your framework, might be easier.

how to install Pod

in your podfile

target 'YourApp' do
pod 'SinchRTC ', '~> 3.1.0'

open the YourApp.xcworkspace with xcode.
Now, In your file you will just have to import something like

import Sinch

and it might be good.

CocoaPod is really usefull for dependencies. it help you to install / uninstall framework very easily. it's also very nice when you work in team.

Note : change YourApp by your target name

No Such Module Sinch Xcode 9.1 Swift 4

I have done same thing with cocoapod and Bridge-Header and what I found is you don't need to import Sinch in your header.

You can directly use it without importing. Check below screenshot:

Sample Image

Pod File:

target 'test' do
# Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'
pod 'SinchRTC'

# Pods for test


Bridge-Header File:

#import <Sinch/Sinch.h>

Check Example Project for more info.

Sinch integration with chat bot platform

I can answer your query on behalf of & as well can give you insights regarding Watson & DialogFlow currently has a very vast library of API integrations available for most of the IVR services available in the market. also has an inbuilt ASR engine & the best TTS feature. This will help the incoming voice to be converted to text & the response can be automated based on the learning you impart to the bot. - I tried a similar one like this for personal use.

In perspective of IBM & Dialogflow - there are some of the integrations missing , since they do not actively collaborate with all vendors in the market (due to their size & presence) - and also, they have their own internal softwares which they'd ideally want to push for public use.

The TTS is IBM Watson & DialogFlow is not state-of the art there are many missing elements in how the voice is intepreted to text. Just the other day I was trying to compare the ASR of DialogFlow & - and I had visible differences. I will soon blog with the transcripts I received from both platforms.

To my view I'd suggest trying out platform & then comparing the same with others.

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