Replace C Style For-Loop in Swift 2.2.1

Replace c style for-loop in Swift 2.2.1

Try this:

var i = column - 1
while i >= 0 && burgers[i, row]?.burgerType == burgerType {
i -= 1
horzLength += 1

This sort of abuse of the for loop syntax was the exact reason it was deprecated in Swift 2.2. Even if a for syntax was available, this would still be more clear than that abomination

Swift 3: replace c style for-loop with float increment

you can use stride function stride(through:, by:) for this .. something like

for hue in (minHue).stride(through: maxHue, by: hueIncrement){
// ...

From Swift3.0, you can use stride(from:to:by:) or stride(from:through:by:) syntax

for hue in stride(from: minHue, through: maxHue, by: hueIncrement){

Proper swift 2.2 syntax with for loop

You can refactor your deprecated C-style for loop using the for-in construct

for i in 2...Int(sqrt(Double(num))) { }

However if you really want to go essential try defining this operator to find the square root of an int rounded down to the closest int.

prefix operator √ {}
prefix func √ (number: Int) -> Int {
return Int(sqrt(Double(number)))

Now you can write your for loop this way

for i in 2...(√num) { }

How to elegantly compare tuples in Swift?


As Martin R states in the comments, tuples with up to six components can now be compared with ==. Tuples with different component counts or different component types are considered to be different types so these cannot be compared, but the code for the simple case I described below is now obsolete.

Try this:

func == <T:Equatable> (tuple1:(T,T),tuple2:(T,T)) -> Bool
return (tuple1.0 == tuple2.0) && (tuple1.1 == tuple2.1)

It's exactly the same as yours, but I called it ==. Then things like:

(1, 1) == (1, 1)

are true and

(1, 1) == (1, 2)

are false

Formatting a UITextField for credit card input like (xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx)

If you're using Swift, go read my port of this answer for Swift 4 and use that instead.

If you're in Objective-C...

Firstly, to your UITextFieldDelegate, add these instance variables...

NSString *previousTextFieldContent;
UITextRange *previousSelection;

... and these methods:

// Version 1.3
// Source and explanation:
-(void)reformatAsCardNumber:(UITextField *)textField
// In order to make the cursor end up positioned correctly, we need to
// explicitly reposition it after we inject spaces into the text.
// targetCursorPosition keeps track of where the cursor needs to end up as
// we modify the string, and at the end we set the cursor position to it.
NSUInteger targetCursorPosition =
[textField offsetFromPosition:textField.beginningOfDocument

NSString *cardNumberWithoutSpaces =
[self removeNonDigits:textField.text

if ([cardNumberWithoutSpaces length] > 19) {
// If the user is trying to enter more than 19 digits, we prevent
// their change, leaving the text field in its previous state.
// While 16 digits is usual, credit card numbers have a hard
// maximum of 19 digits defined by ISO standard 7812-1 in section
// 3.8 and elsewhere. Applying this hard maximum here rather than
// a maximum of 16 ensures that users with unusual card numbers
// will still be able to enter their card number even if the
// resultant formatting is odd.
[textField setText:previousTextFieldContent];
textField.selectedTextRange = previousSelection;

NSString *cardNumberWithSpaces =
[self insertCreditCardSpaces:cardNumberWithoutSpaces

textField.text = cardNumberWithSpaces;
UITextPosition *targetPosition =
[textField positionFromPosition:[textField beginningOfDocument]

[textField setSelectedTextRange:
[textField textRangeFromPosition:targetPosition

-(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField
replacementString:(NSString *)string
// Note textField's current state before performing the change, in case
// reformatTextField wants to revert it
previousTextFieldContent = textField.text;
previousSelection = textField.selectedTextRange;

return YES;

Removes non-digits from the string, decrementing `cursorPosition` as
appropriate so that, for instance, if we pass in `@"1111 1123 1111"`
and a cursor position of `8`, the cursor position will be changed to
`7` (keeping it between the '2' and the '3' after the spaces are removed).
- (NSString *)removeNonDigits:(NSString *)string
andPreserveCursorPosition:(NSUInteger *)cursorPosition
NSUInteger originalCursorPosition = *cursorPosition;
NSMutableString *digitsOnlyString = [NSMutableString new];
for (NSUInteger i=0; i<[string length]; i++) {
unichar characterToAdd = [string characterAtIndex:i];
if (isdigit(characterToAdd)) {
NSString *stringToAdd =
[NSString stringWithCharacters:&characterToAdd

[digitsOnlyString appendString:stringToAdd];
else {
if (i < originalCursorPosition) {

return digitsOnlyString;

Detects the card number format from the prefix, then inserts spaces into
the string to format it as a credit card number, incrementing `cursorPosition`
as appropriate so that, for instance, if we pass in `@"111111231111"` and a
cursor position of `7`, the cursor position will be changed to `8` (keeping
it between the '2' and the '3' after the spaces are added).
- (NSString *)insertCreditCardSpaces:(NSString *)string
andPreserveCursorPosition:(NSUInteger *)cursorPosition
// Mapping of card prefix to pattern is taken from

// UATP cards have 4-5-6 (XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX) format
bool is456 = [string hasPrefix: @"1"];

// These prefixes reliably indicate either a 4-6-5 or 4-6-4 card. We treat all
// these as 4-6-5-4 to err on the side of always letting the user type more
// digits.
bool is465 = [string hasPrefix: @"34"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"37"] ||

// Diners Club
[string hasPrefix: @"300"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"301"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"302"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"303"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"304"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"305"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"309"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"36"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"38"] ||
[string hasPrefix: @"39"];

// In all other cases, assume 4-4-4-4-3.
// This won't always be correct; for instance, Maestro has 4-4-5 cards
// according to,
// but I don't know what prefixes identify particular formats.
bool is4444 = !(is456 || is465);

NSMutableString *stringWithAddedSpaces = [NSMutableString new];
NSUInteger cursorPositionInSpacelessString = *cursorPosition;
for (NSUInteger i=0; i<[string length]; i++) {
bool needs465Spacing = (is465 && (i == 4 || i == 10 || i == 15));
bool needs456Spacing = (is456 && (i == 4 || i == 9 || i == 15));
bool needs4444Spacing = (is4444 && i > 0 && (i % 4) == 0);

if (needs465Spacing || needs456Spacing || needs4444Spacing) {
[stringWithAddedSpaces appendString:@" "];
if (i < cursorPositionInSpacelessString) {
unichar characterToAdd = [string characterAtIndex:i];
NSString *stringToAdd =
[NSString stringWithCharacters:&characterToAdd length:1];

[stringWithAddedSpaces appendString:stringToAdd];

return stringWithAddedSpaces;

Secondly, set reformatCardNumber: to be called whenever the text field fires a UIControlEventEditingChanged event:

[yourTextField addTarget:yourTextFieldDelegate 

(Of course, you'll need to do this at some point after your text field and its delegate have been instantiated. If you're using storyboards, the viewDidLoad method of your view controller is an appropriate place.

Some Explanation

This is a deceptively complicated problem. Three important issues that may not be immediately obvious (and which previous answers here all fail to take into account):

  1. While the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX format for credit and debit card numbers is the most common one, it's not the only one. For example, American Express cards have 15 digit numbers usually written in XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX format, like this:

    An American Express card

    Even Visa cards can have fewer than 16 digits, and Maestro cards can have more:

    A Russian Maestro card with 18 digits

  2. There are more ways for the user to interact with a text field than just typing in single characters at the end of their existing input. You also have to properly handle the user adding characters in the middle of the string, deleting single characters, deleting multiple selected characters, and pasting in multiple characters. Some simpler/more naive approaches to this problem will fail to handle some of these interactions properly. The most perverse case is a user pasting in multiple characters in the middle of the string to replace other characters, and this solution is general enough to handle that.

  3. You don't just need to reformat the text of the text field properly after the user modifies it - you also need to position the text cursor sensibly. Naive approaches to the problem that don't take this into account will almost certainly end up doing something silly with the text cursor in some cases (like putting it to the end of the text field after the user adds a digit in the middle of it).

To deal with issue #1, we use the partial mapping of card number prefixes to formats curated by The Baymard Institute at We can automatically detect the the card provider from the first couple of digits and (in some cases) infer the format and adjust our formatting accordingly. Thanks to cnotethegr8 for contributing this idea to this answer.

The simplest and easiest way to deal with issue #2 (and the way used in the code above) is to strip out all spaces and reinsert them in the correct positions every time the content of the text field changes, sparing us the need to figure out what kind of text manipulation (an insertion, a deletion, or a replacement) is going on and handle the possibilities differently.

To deal with issue #3, we keep track of how the desired index of the cursor changes as we strip out non-digits and then insert spaces. This is why the code rather verbosely performs these manipulations character-by-character using NSMutableString, rather than using NSString's string replacement methods.

Finally, there's one more trap lurking: returning NO from textField: shouldChangeCharactersInRange: replacementString breaks the 'Cut' button the user gets when they select text in the text field, which is why I don't do it. Returning NO from that method results in 'Cut' simply not updating the clipboard at all, and I know of no fix or workaround. As a result, we need to do the reformatting of the text field in a UIControlEventEditingChanged handler instead of (more obviously) in shouldChangeCharactersInRange: itself.

Luckily, the UIControl event handlers seem to get called before UI updates get flushed to the screen, so this approach works fine.

There are also a whole bunch of minor questions about exactly how the text field should behave that don't have obvious correct answers:

  • If the user tries to paste in something that would cause the content of the text field to exceed 19 digits, should the beginning of the pasted string be inserted (until 19 digits are reached) and the remainder cropped, or should nothing be inserted at all?
  • If the user tries to delete a single space by positioning their cursor after it and pressing the backspace key, should nothing happen and the cursor remain where it is, should the cursor move left one character (placing it before the space), or should the digit to the left of the space be deleted as though the cursor were already left of the space?
  • When the user types in the fourth, eighth, or twelfth digit, should a space be immediately inserted and the cursor moved after it, or should the space only be inserted after the user types the fifth, ninth, or thirteenth digit?
  • When the user deletes the first digit after a space, if this doesn't cause the space to be removed entirely, should this lead to their cursor being positioned before or after the space?

Probably any answer to any of these questions will be adequate, but I list them just to make clear that there are actually a lot of special cases that you might want to think carefully about here, if you were obsessive enough. In the code above, I've picked answers to these questions that seemed reasonable to me. If you happen to have strong feelings about any of these points that aren't compatible with the way my code behaves, it should be easy enough to tweak it to your needs.

How to print on stderr with Swift?


The Glibc Module: Most of the Linux C standard library is available through this module similar to the Darwin module on Apple platforms.

So this should work on all Swift platforms:

#if os(Linux)
import Glibc
import Darwin

public struct StderrOutputStream: OutputStreamType {
public mutating func write(string: String) { fputs(string, stderr) }
public var errStream = StderrOutputStream()

debugPrint("Debug messages...", toStream: &errStream)

Update for Swift 3:

public struct StderrOutputStream: TextOutputStream {
public mutating func write(_ string: String) { fputs(string, stderr) }
public var errStream = StderrOutputStream()

debugPrint("Debug messages...", to: &errStream) // "Debug messages..."
print("Debug messages...", to: &errStream) // Debug messages...

What are intervals in swift ranges?

As of Swift 3 (with Xcode 8), the Interval types are no more. Now the family of Range<T> types include the functionality of both the former range and interval types, and additionally conform to the new model for collection types and indices.

In Swift 2.x and older... Ranges are for iterating, and Intervals are for pattern matching.

func testNum(num: Int) {
let interval: HalfOpenInterval = 0..<10
let range = 10..<20
switch num {
case interval: // this works
case range: // error "does not conform to protocol IntervalType"

A Range type is optimized for generating values that increment through the range, and works with types that can be counted and incremented.

An Interval type is optimized for testing whether a given value lies within the interval. It works with types that don't necessarily need a notion of incrementing, and provides operations like clamping one range to another (e.g. (0..<10).clamp(5..<15) yields 5..<10) that are useful for complex pattern matching.

Because the ..< and ... operators have two forms each--one that returns a Range and one that returns an Interval--type inference automatically uses the right one based on context. So, if you write 0..<10 in a case label of a switch statement, Swift automatically constructs a HalfOpenInterval because a switch statement requires an Interval type.

The ~= operator is a way to do one test on an interval without a switch statement. Writing interval ~= value is equivalent to interval.contains(value).

It's worth noting that you can find out many of these things by looking at the standard library interface and its comments: write a type name like HalfOpenInterval in a playground, then command-click to jump to its definition.

How to set rectangle border for custom type UIButton

When you set a background image in a button, the button outlines go away. Include them in your image, if you need different sizes look at the UIImage



Why Choose Struct Over Class?

According to the very popular WWDC 2015 talk Protocol Oriented Programming in Swift (video, transcript), Swift provides a number of features that make structs better than classes in many circumstances.

Structs are preferable if they are relatively small and copiable because copying is way safer than having multiple references to the same instance as happens with classes. This is especially important when passing around a variable to many classes and/or in a multithreaded environment. If you can always send a copy of your variable to other places, you never have to worry about that other place changing the value of your variable underneath you.

With Structs, there is much less need to worry about memory leaks or multiple threads racing to access/modify a single instance of a variable. (For the more technically minded, the exception to that is when capturing a struct inside a closure because then it is actually capturing a reference to the instance unless you explicitly mark it to be copied).

Classes can also become bloated because a class can only inherit from a single superclass. That encourages us to create huge superclasses that encompass many different abilities that are only loosely related. Using protocols, especially with protocol extensions where you can provide implementations to protocols, allows you to eliminate the need for classes to achieve this sort of behavior.

The talk lays out these scenarios where classes are preferred:

  • Copying or comparing instances doesn't make sense (e.g., Window)
  • Instance lifetime is tied to external effects (e.g., TemporaryFile)
  • Instances are just "sinks"--write-only conduits to external state (e.g.CGContext)

It implies that structs should be the default and classes should be a fallback.

On the other hand, The Swift Programming Language documentation is somewhat contradictory:

Structure instances are always passed by value, and class
instances are always passed by reference. This means that they are
suited to different kinds of tasks. As you consider the data
constructs and functionality that you need for a project, decide
whether each data construct should be defined as a class or as a

As a general guideline, consider creating a structure when one or more
of these conditions apply:

  • The structure’s primary purpose is to encapsulate a few relatively simple data values.
  • It is reasonable to expect that the encapsulated values will be copied rather than referenced when you assign or pass around an
    instance of that structure.
  • Any properties stored by the structure are themselves value types, which would also be expected to be copied rather than referenced.
  • The structure does not need to inherit properties or behavior from another existing type.

Examples of good candidates for structures include:

  • The size of a geometric shape, perhaps encapsulating a width property and a height property, both of type Double.
  • A way to refer to ranges within a series, perhaps encapsulating a start property and a length property, both of type Int.
  • A point in a 3D coordinate system, perhaps encapsulating x, y and z properties, each of type Double.

In all other cases, define a class, and create instances of that class
to be managed and passed by reference. In practice, this means that
most custom data constructs should be classes, not structures.

Here it is claiming that we should default to using classes and use structures only in specific circumstances. Ultimately, you need to understand the real world implication of value types vs. reference types and then you can make an informed decision about when to use structs or classes. Also, keep in mind that these concepts are always evolving and The Swift Programming Language documentation was written before the Protocol Oriented Programming talk was given.

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