Programmatically Align a Toolbar on Top of the Iphone Keyboard

Programmatically align a toolbar on top of the iPhone keyboard

As of iOS 3.2 there's a new way to achieve this effect:

UITextFields and UITextViews have an inputAccessoryView property, which you can set to any view, that is automatically displayed above and animated with the keyboard.

Note that the view you use should neither be in the view hierarchy elsewhere, nor should you add it to some superview, this is done for you.

toolbar on top of the keyboard with firstresponder

Try moving the -becomeFirstResponder call to -viewWillAppear:animated: or -viewDidAppear:animated:. I think -viewDidLoad is usually called just before the view's actually added to the view hierarchy.

Objective c toolbar above keyboard

Only one keyword to search: inputAccessoryView.

Keep iPhone keyboard-aligned toolbar visible through first responder change?

You need to make a BOOL ivar to keep track of whether or not the keyboard is already visible, so you'll make good use of all of the UITextField delegate methods :) Toolbars with multiple text fields can be tricky, but you're very close!

Add a done button to the top of the keyboard

Please try this code

 //set up a placeholder variable for the textfield user typing
UITextView *currentTextView;

-(void)addDoneToolBarToKeyboard:(UITextView *)textView
UIToolbar* doneToolbar = [[UIToolbar alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50)];
doneToolbar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent;
doneToolbar.items = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace target:nil action:nil],
[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithTitle:@"Done" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target:self action:@selector(doneButtonClickedDismissKeyboard)],
[doneToolbar sizeToFit];
textView.inputAccessoryView = doneToolbar;

//remember to set your text view delegate
//but if you only have 1 text view in your view controller
//you can simply change currentTextField to the name of your text view
//and ignore this textViewDidBeginEditing delegate method
- (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
currentTextView = textView;

[currentTextView resignFirstResponder];

and add this in your view did load

 [self addDoneToolBarToKeyboard:self.textView];

Hope that helps

How to make programmatically a toolBar with next and previous on keyboard to navigate between editable fields?

this control can show a toolbar above the keyboard when editing a textfield like this

Sample Image

Add UILabel to UIToolbar Programmatically


The problem is with the label.
After instanciation, you must draw it with CGRect. so,
add for exemple : label.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y:20, width: 100, height: 50)


let label = UILabel()
label.text = "Example"
label.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y:20, width: 100, height: 50)

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