Printing the View in iOS with Swift

Printing the view in iOS with Swift

I have found the answer to my question by modifying the code found here: AirPrint contents of a UIView

//create an extension to covert the view to an image
extension UIView {
func toImage() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, false, UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)

drawViewHierarchyInRect(self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)

let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image

//In your view controller
@IBAction func printButton(sender: AnyObject) {

let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil)
printInfo.outputType = UIPrintInfoOutputType.General
printInfo.jobName = "My Print Job"

// Set up print controller
let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.sharedPrintController()
printController.printInfo = printInfo

// Assign a UIImage version of my UIView as a printing iten
printController.printingItem = self.view.toImage()

// If you want to specify a printer
guard let printerURL = URL(string: "Your printer URL here, e.g. ipps://HPDC4A3E0DE24A.local.:443/ipp/print") else { return }
guard let currentPrinter = UIPrinter(url: printerURL) else { return }

printController.print(to: currentPrinter, completionHandler: nil)

// Do it
printController.presentFromRect(self.view.frame, inView: self.view, animated: true, completionHandler: nil)

Is it possible to print the UI Content Presented on Screen | Swift

Step 1: First for converting your UIView into image , add this extension:

extension UIView {
func toImage() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, false, UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)

drawViewHierarchyInRect(self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)

let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image

Step 2: Add this into your button action for print:

@IBAction func printButton(sender: AnyObject) {

let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil)
printInfo.outputType = UIPrintInfoOutputType.General
printInfo.jobName = "My UIView"

let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.sharedPrintController()
printController.printInfo = printInfo

printController.printingItem = self.view.toImage()

// If you want to specify a printer
guard let printerURL = URL(string: "Your printer URL here, e.g. ipps://HPDC4A3E0DE24A.local.:443/ipp/print") else { return }
guard let currentPrinter = UIPrinter(url: printerURL) else { return }

printController.print(to: currentPrinter, completionHandler: nil)

printController.presentFromRect(self.view.frame, inView: self.view, animated: true, completionHandler: nil)

How to print an UIImage with scale to page for UIPrintInfo in Swift 3?

Finally I found it by myself. I created the uicontrols value by htmlString. And used UIPrintPageRenderer like below mentioned.

class TicketPrintPageRenderer: UIPrintPageRenderer {
let receipt: String

init(receipt: String) {
self.receipt = receipt

self.headerHeight = 0.0
self.footerHeight = 0.0 // default

let formatter = UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter(markupText: receipt)
formatter.perPageContentInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 2, left: 2,
bottom: 2, right: 2)
addPrintFormatter(formatter, startingAtPageAt: 0)

Here am creating the controls value to html string like below mentioned:

func createHTMLString(ticketDetail: Ticket, QRImage: UIImage) {
let priceStr = String(format: "$%.02f", ticketDetail.price!)

let storeLogoImage: String = self.getImage(imageName: "storeLogo")
let qrCodeImagePath: String = self.getImage(imageName: "qrCode")
printHtmlString = "<html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"><meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"ie=edge\"><title>Document</title><style>body {font-family: sans-serif;}.top_Content {text-align: center;padding-top: 10px;}.margin_8 {margin: 8px auto;}.fontstyle_normal {font-weight: normal;}.float_left {float: left;}.float_right {float: right;}.vl {border-left: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);height: 40px;position: absolute;left: 50%;}.container_body{text-align: center;font-weight: normal;}.squareBackground {background-color: rgb(162, 161, 159);width: 100px;height: 100px;}</style></head><body><div><div class=\"top_Content\"><img src=\"file://\(storeLogoImage)\" alt=\"laundryboss_logo\" height=\"100px\"><h3 class=\"margin_8 fontstyle_normal\">\(EmployeeModel.sharedInstance.currentEmployee.employeeSelectedLocation.customerName!)</h3><h4 class=\"margin_8 fontstyle_normal\">\(EmployeeModel.sharedInstance.currentEmployee.employeeSelectedLocation.locationName!)</h4><h3 style=\"width:40%; padding-left: 17px; font-size:1em;\" class=\"float_left margin_8 fontstyle_normal\">Date : \((self.printShareViewModel?.splitDateandTime(createdAt: ticketDetail.ticketDate).createdDate)!)</h3><!-- <span>❘</span> --><div class=\"vl\"></div><h3 style=\"width:40%; padding-right: 17px; font-size:1em;\" class=\"float_right margin_8 fontstyle_normal\">Time : \((self.printShareViewModel?.splitDateandTime(createdAt: ticketDetail.ticketDate).createdTime)!)</h3><h2 style=\"margin: 0;clear: both;padding-top: 14px; font-size:1.2em;\" class=\"fontstyle_normal\">Ticket #\(ticketDetail.ticketNumber!)</h2><h2 style=\"margin: 0;clear: both;padding-top: 14px; font-size:1.2em;\" class=\"fontstyle_normal\">\(!)</h2><div style=\"display: table;margin: 0 auto;padding-top: 16px;\"><h2 style=\"margin: 0; font-size:1.2em;\" class=\"float_left fontstyle_normal\">Phone :</h2><h3 style=\"margin: 0; font-size:1.2em; padding-left:6px;\" class=\"float_left fontstyle_normal\">\(!)</h3></div><p style=\"margin: 0;padding-top: 16px; font-size:1.2em;\">\(ticketDetail.notes!)</p><div style=\"display: table;margin: 0 auto;padding-top: 16px;\"><h2 style=\"margin: 0; font-size:1.2em;\" class=\"float_left fontstyle_normal\">Price :</h2><h3 style=\"margin: 0; font-size:1.2em; padding-left:6px;\" class=\"float_left fontstyle_normal\">\(priceStr)</h3></div><div style=\"margin: 0 auto;display: table; margin-top: 16px;\" class=\"squareBackground\"><!-- <div class=\"squareBackground\"> --><img src=\"file://\(qrCodeImagePath)\" alt=\"Qr_code\" width=\"90\" height=\"90\" align=\"middle\" style=\"padding:5px;\"><!-- </div> --></div></div></div></body></html>"

Now When user taps the print button:

@IBAction func act_PrintBtnPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {   
let formatter = TicketPrintPageRenderer(receipt: printHtmlString)
let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.shared
printController.showsNumberOfCopies = true
printController.showsPageRange = false
printController.printPageRenderer = formatter
printController.present(animated: true) { (controller, success, errorMsg) in
if success {
print("*************** Print Successfully")
} else {
print("*************** Print Failed : \(errorMsg?.localizedDescription)")

It meets what I excepted.

AirPrint contents of a UIView

I'm not sure if this is the proper way to do it, but I ended up solving this by converting the view to a UIImage and then setting it as the print controller's printingItem.

Updated code:

// This is the View I want to print
// Just a 200x200 blue square
var testView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200))
testView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()

let printInfo = UIPrintInfo(dictionary:nil)!
printInfo.outputType = UIPrintInfoOutputType.General
printInfo.jobName = "My Print Job"

// Set up print controller
let printController = UIPrintInteractionController.sharedPrintController()
printController!.printInfo = printInfo

// Assign a UIImage version of my UIView as a printing iten
printController?.printingItem = testView!.toImage()

// Do it
printController!.presentFromRect(self.frame, inView: self, animated: true, completionHandler: nil)

The toImage() method is an extension to UIView:

extension UIView {
func toImage() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, false, UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)

drawViewHierarchyInRect(self.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)

let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return image

Open to alternative approaches if anyone has one!

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