Not Getting the Email Using Google Authentication in Firebase

Not getting the email using Google Authentication in Firebase

The email is not showing on firebase console because you are allowing users to create multiple accounts with the same email. If you navigate to Auth -> Sign-in method you can set the option to Avoid creating multiple accounts with the same e-mail. After doing so the emails will start to appear when creating the user.

enter code here

Not sure here but, if you still want to create multiple accounts and have the user email on the application side I guess that you will need to store the email on firebase database when creating the user.

Not receiving sign in email with firebase email link authentication on some emails

Firebase makes no distinction based on the email addresses. Most likely the message got marked as spam for some of your friends. Have them check the spam box of their mail client, and any spam filters they have on their network.

Also see my answer here for some (progressively involved) workarounds: Why did this code fail to send password reset link in firebase (Reactjs)?

Firebase not sending emails?

I get the same problem with an user, he didn't receive any email with his work email address from Firebase magic link authentication.
I'm still using Firebase as provider but I think to integrate with sendgrid soon.

Firebase support answer

Why did this code fail to send password reset link in firebase?

Did you check your spam folder? We recently see a lot of the emails from Firebase Authentication ending up in the user's spam folder.

To reduce the chances of this happening, consider taking more control of the email delivery yourself.

  1. As a first step, consider using a custom domain with your project. Email that comes from a custom domain has less chance of being marked as span.
  2. As a second step, consider setting up your own SMTP server.) for delivering the email, so that the emails are not being delivered from Firebase's shared infrastructure anymore.

While these steps are more involved, they typically will drastically reduce the cases where the messages from Firebase Authentication are marked as spam.

Firebase User Authentication not working properly

The password should always be greater than or equal to 6 and in your case, the condition is opposite. Fix it like this:

if (password.length < 6) {
binding.passwordField.error = "Minimal password length is 6"

login_back_button is missing binding reference as well as if it's a back button then you should just use finish to go back to previous activity rather than creating new instance again. Like this:

binding.loginBackButton.setOnClickListener { finish() }


The issue is that you are using binding but not passing it in setContentView. Fix it like this:


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