iOS 9 "Fbauth2" Missing from Info.Plist

iOS 9 “fbauth2” missing from Info.plist

You can continue to use URL schemes when you build your app for iOS 9 and you want to call URL schemes, you will now need to declare them in your apps Info.plist. There is a new key, LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, and here you will need to add the list of schemes you want to are canOpenURL on.

Try like this.


fbauth2 is missing from your Info.plist under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes and is required for iOS 9.0

In your info.plist, add a row with the key LSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Make sure it is of array type. For it's only element, add the string fbauth2.

Sample Image


InvalidOperationException', reason: 'fbauth2 is missing from your Info.plist under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes and is required for iOS 9.0'

remove the space after fbauth2

Missing Info.plist key

If you want to internationalize tips here is the good Stack overflow answer

in short after adding info.plist string file for respective language, you can localize just like this.Add your respective permisstion key with appropriate description.

NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "请打开【定位服务】允许 Your App 确定您的位置。";

ERROR ITMS-90360: Missing Info.plist value

Solved issue. I mistakenly used the wrong code on my onesignalext .plist. I had to delete it and it worked.

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