iOS 7 Tableview Like in Settings App on iPad

iOS 7 TableView like in Settings App on iPad

I've gone ahead and further customized the willDisplayCell to get a better simulation of the cell styles in the settings app.


- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
if ([cell respondsToSelector:@selector(tintColor)]) {
if (tableView == self.tableView) {
CGFloat cornerRadius = 5.f;
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor;
CAShapeLayer *layer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
CGMutablePathRef pathRef = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGRect bounds = CGRectInset(cell.bounds, 10, 0);
BOOL addLine = NO;
if (indexPath.row == 0 && indexPath.row == [tableView numberOfRowsInSection:indexPath.section]-1) {
CGPathAddRoundedRect(pathRef, nil, bounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius);
} else if (indexPath.row == 0) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds));
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), cornerRadius);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds), cornerRadius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds));
addLine = YES;
} else if (indexPath.row == [tableView numberOfRowsInSection:indexPath.section]-1) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds));
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), cornerRadius);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds), cornerRadius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds));
} else {
CGPathAddRect(pathRef, nil, bounds);
addLine = YES;
layer.path = pathRef;
layer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1.f alpha:0.8f].CGColor;

if (addLine == YES) {
CALayer *lineLayer = [[CALayer alloc] init];
CGFloat lineHeight = (1.f / [UIScreen mainScreen].scale);
lineLayer.frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMinX(bounds)+10, bounds.size.height-lineHeight, bounds.size.width-10, lineHeight);
lineLayer.backgroundColor = tableView.separatorColor.CGColor;
[layer addSublayer:lineLayer];
UIView *testView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds];
[testView.layer insertSublayer:layer atIndex:0];
testView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor;
cell.backgroundView = testView;


override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, willDisplayCell cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
if (cell.respondsToSelector(Selector("tintColor"))){
if (tableView == self.tableView) {
let cornerRadius : CGFloat = 12.0
cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
var layer: CAShapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
var pathRef:CGMutablePathRef = CGPathCreateMutable()
var bounds: CGRect = CGRectInset(cell.bounds, 25, 0)
var addLine: Bool = false

if (indexPath.row == 0 && indexPath.row == tableView.numberOfRowsInSection(indexPath.section)-1) {
CGPathAddRoundedRect(pathRef, nil, bounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius)
} else if (indexPath.row == 0) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds))
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), cornerRadius)
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds), CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds), cornerRadius)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds))
addLine = true
} else if (indexPath.row == tableView.numberOfRowsInSection(indexPath.section)-1) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds))
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMinX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), CGRectGetMidX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), cornerRadius)
CGPathAddArcToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMaxY(bounds), CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMidY(bounds), cornerRadius)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(pathRef, nil, CGRectGetMaxX(bounds), CGRectGetMinY(bounds))
} else {
CGPathAddRect(pathRef, nil, bounds)
addLine = true

layer.path = pathRef
layer.fillColor = UIColor(red: 255/255.0, green: 255/255.0, blue: 255/255.0, alpha: 0.8).CGColor

if (addLine == true) {
var lineLayer: CALayer = CALayer()
var lineHeight: CGFloat = (1.0 / UIScreen.mainScreen().scale)
lineLayer.frame = CGRectMake(CGRectGetMinX(bounds)+10, bounds.size.height-lineHeight, bounds.size.width-10, lineHeight)
lineLayer.backgroundColor = tableView.separatorColor.CGColor
var testView: UIView = UIView(frame: bounds)
testView.layer.insertSublayer(layer, atIndex: 0)
testView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
cell.backgroundView = testView

Swift 3

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let cornerRadius: CGFloat = 5
cell.backgroundColor = .clear

let layer = CAShapeLayer()
let pathRef = CGMutablePath()
let bounds = cell.bounds.insetBy(dx: 20, dy: 0)
var addLine = false

if indexPath.row == 0 && indexPath.row == tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section) - 1 {
pathRef.__addRoundedRect(transform: nil, rect: bounds, cornerWidth: cornerRadius, cornerHeight: cornerRadius)
} else if indexPath.row == 0 {
pathRef.move(to: .init(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.maxY))
pathRef.addArc(tangent1End: .init(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.minY), tangent2End: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.minY), radius: cornerRadius)
pathRef.addArc(tangent1End: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.minY), tangent2End: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.midY), radius: cornerRadius)
pathRef.addLine(to: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.maxY))
addLine = true
} else if indexPath.row == tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section) - 1 {
pathRef.move(to: .init(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.minY))
pathRef.addArc(tangent1End: .init(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.maxY), tangent2End: .init(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.maxY), radius: cornerRadius)
pathRef.addArc(tangent1End: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.maxY), tangent2End: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.midY), radius: cornerRadius)
pathRef.addLine(to: .init(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.minY))
} else {
addLine = true

layer.path = pathRef
layer.fillColor = UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.8).cgColor

if (addLine == true) {
let lineLayer = CALayer()
let lineHeight = 1.0 / UIScreen.main.scale
lineLayer.frame = CGRect(x: bounds.minX + 10, y: bounds.size.height - lineHeight, width: bounds.size.width - 10, height: lineHeight)
lineLayer.backgroundColor = tableView.separatorColor?.cgColor

let testView = UIView(frame: bounds)
testView.layer.insertSublayer(layer, at: 0)
testView.backgroundColor = .clear
cell.backgroundView = testView

Swift 4.2

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

if (cell.responds(to: #selector(getter: UIView.tintColor))){
if tableView == self.tableView {
let cornerRadius: CGFloat = 12.0
cell.backgroundColor = .clear
let layer: CAShapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
let path: CGMutablePath = CGMutablePath()
let bounds: CGRect = cell.bounds
bounds.insetBy(dx: 25.0, dy: 0.0)
var addLine: Bool = false

if indexPath.row == 0 && indexPath.row == ( tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section) - 1) {
path.addRoundedRect(in: bounds, cornerWidth: cornerRadius, cornerHeight: cornerRadius)

} else if indexPath.row == 0 {
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.maxY))
path.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.minY), tangent2End: CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.minY), radius: cornerRadius)
path.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.minY), tangent2End: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.midY), radius: cornerRadius)
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.maxY))

} else if indexPath.row == (tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section) - 1) {
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.minY))
path.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint(x: bounds.minX, y: bounds.maxY), tangent2End: CGPoint(x: bounds.midX, y: bounds.maxY), radius: cornerRadius)
path.addArc(tangent1End: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.maxY), tangent2End: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.midY), radius: cornerRadius)
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: bounds.maxX, y: bounds.minY))

} else {
addLine = true

layer.path = path
layer.fillColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.8).cgColor

if addLine {
let lineLayer: CALayer = CALayer()
let lineHeight: CGFloat = 1.0 / UIScreen.main.scale
lineLayer.frame = CGRect(x: bounds.minX + 10.0, y: bounds.size.height - lineHeight, width: bounds.size.width, height: lineHeight)
lineLayer.backgroundColor = tableView.separatorColor?.cgColor

let testView: UIView = UIView(frame: bounds)
testView.layer.insertSublayer(layer, at: 0)
testView.backgroundColor = .clear
cell.backgroundView = testView

Example on iOS7

iOS 7 change UITableViewCell font color to blue like in Settings app

If you're using a storyboard or xib and you have a prototype cell, go in to it and select the label. Then you can set the color of the text.

If you want to do it programmatically, add the following to your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method:

cell.textLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];

blueColor isn't exactly the same as the blue used by buttons in iOS 7, but you could manually pick a color that closely approximates it if you wanted instead.


This will give you the exact color you want:

UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeSystem];
cell.textLabel.textColor = [button titleColorForState:UIControlStateNormal];

It's getting the color from a UIButton.

Separator style like iPad settings app

It looks like they've used a section header view with a gradient background. Implement this method:

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section

Create a gradient 1px wide and whatever height you need tall. Create a view using that gradient as a background (it should tile horizontally) and return your custom view in that method (assuming the section passed to the method is correct).

You'll need to implement tableView:heightForHeaderInSection: too for this to work correctly.

Weird UITableViewCell selection in iOS7

I would make the tableview thinner (decrease width from both sides), then implement your looks so that the line would end not before edge of table view, but stretch all the way to the side of tableview.

In other words - decrease table view width to match current line width and leave the line as bid as it is now (it would then be as wide as tableview). Your selection will now be less wide too.

Or, upon selection you can modify your table view cell so that you mimic some custom selection. That could be from changing cell color up to flipping it with animations.

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