iOS 10.3 Beta 3 Doesn't Persist Data of Keychainitem

iOS 10.3 beta 3 doesn't persist data of KeychainItem

Now that 10.3 has been officially released, it's been confirmed by several parties, including in this Apple's developers forum post, that this issue is not present in the final release.

Keychain data is not being deleted upon app's uninstall.

iOS Keychain Data will persist after app deleted and reinstall?

Keychain data always persist now.

The auto-delete of keychain value was in a beta of 10.3, but for some reason, they removed this possibility. I guess to many applications get used to not droppable keychain.

Check this question.

There is a super simple way trough UserDefaults :

func clearKeychainIfWillUnistall() {
let freshInstall = !UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "alreadyInstalled")
if freshInstall {
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "alreadyInstalled")

Call it in AppDelegate

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

The simplest workaround that I know. I hope it will help.

iOS 10.3 about remove keychainData with the app deleted

does anyone know about the time of the solution.

Clearly when they release 10.3.

And will there has another method to replace keychain to save userData.

Of course not. Why would they implement a feature to improve user privacy and then introduce another feature to circumvent the change?

Will items in iOS keychain survive app uninstall and reinstall?

I dug around on the Apple developer forums, and a Apple developer (eskimo1, aka Quinn) states at 2012-08-27 that this is the current behaviour but it's a far as he knows not /documented/ behaviour, so this might change in the future. He also says that deleting shared keychain items is always going to be tricky, which is one of the reasons this it hasn't been addressed yet.

So I guess that this leaves the question open: there is no definitive answer. It is not documented and can change at any point in time. Relying on it MAY cause problems in the future.

UPDATE 2017-04-04:

In iOS 10.3 beta, keychain info for an app is removed when the app is uninstalled, but this behaviour seems to have been removed in the final 10.3 version. At Apple Documentation It is suggested that this is about to change and we should NOT rely on keychain access data being intact after an app uninstallation.
See also iOS 10.3 beta 3 doesn't persist data of KeychainItem.

fetching all items in keychain in one shot?

I believe you're slightly misreading that example. In GenericKeychain, they're not fetching "all items." They're fetching just one item and its one value. A keychain item is made up of properties, which are semi-public, and a "value" which is protected. Reading out of the keychain is fantastically expensive (much, much slower than reading a file off of disk; it's really shockingly slow). So the example is avoiding re-reading it when not needed. But it's not reading the entire keychain; just the one item that stores its data.

Does the Keychain in iOS actually work?

I've found SFHFKeychainUtilities to be an extremely helpful wrapper. It provides a very simple API that looks like this:

[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:usernameInput andPassword:passwordInput forServiceName:@"foo" updateExisting:TRUE error:&error];

Here's a useful tutorial:

Works all the time for me.

Good luck!

Send an email from core data

Sending Mail in Background is only possible with a Webservice. You can install some php scripts on a webhost,... than you have a Webservice.
You can then send your email data with a NSMutableURLRequest throughout NSURLConnection.

If you want to send Mails in front with the internal Mail framework (MFMailComposeViewController), you should look here.

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