How to Use Youtube API V3

How to use YouTube API V3?

You don't have to use the iOS client Google provides to make those kinds of request.

  1. Navigate to the API Console and generate a new Simple API Access key for your iOS application. Be sure to enter your app's bundle identifier in the provided window. Alternatively, you can create a Server API key for testing with basic requests and curl from the command line.

  2. Find the relevant endpoint for your needs. To find information about a video, you'll want to use the Videos.list method.

First, set up you URL. I will be using this URL as an example:

You're going to want to specify a value for the part parameter. From your question, it looks like you're going to want to pass in the snippet, contentDetails, and statistics values (although for likes and views, you really only need the statistics value).

Then pass in the id of your video (in this case AKiiekaEHhI, you can add up to 50 comma-separated IDs) and your API key. Your URL should look something like this :{YOUR_API_KEY}

You can also do this in the API Explorer.

Swift implementation:

// Set up your URL
let youtubeApi = "{YOUR_API_KEY}"
let url = NSURL(string: youtubeApi)

// Create your request
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url!, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in
do {
if let jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments) as? [String : AnyObject] {

print("Response from YouTube: \(jsonResult)")
catch {
print("json error: \(error)")


// Start the request

Objective-C implementation:

(This post has been edited to support NSURLSession. For an implementation that uses NSURLConnection, check the edit history)

// Set up your URL
NSString *youtubeApi = @"{YOUR_API_KEY}";
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:youtubeApi];

// Create your request
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

// Send the request asynchronously
[[[NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *connectionError) {

// Callback, parse the data and check for errors
if (data && !connectionError) {
NSError *jsonError;
NSDictionary *jsonResult = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&jsonError];

if (!jsonError) {
NSLog(@"Response from YouTube: %@", jsonResult);
}] resume];

Your log will look something like this:

Response from YouTube: {
etag = "\"NO6QTeg0-3ShswIeqLchQ_mzWJs/AAjIATmVK_8ySsAWwEuNfdZdjW4\"";
items = (
contentDetails = {
caption = false;
definition = hd;
dimension = 2d;
duration = PT17M30S;
licensedContent = 1;
etag = "\"NO6QTeg0-3ShswIeqLchQ_mzWJs/8v8ee5uPZQa1-ucVdjBdAVXzcZk\"";
id = AKiiekaEHhI;
kind = "youtube#video";
snippet = {
categoryId = 20;
channelId = UCkvdZX3SVgfDW8ghtP1L2Ug;
channelTitle = "Swordless Link";
description = "Follow me on Twitter!\n\nFollow me on TwitchTV for live video game streaming!";
liveBroadcastContent = none;
localized = {
description = "Follow me on Twitter!\n\nFollow me on TwitchTV for live video game streaming!";
title = "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask With Glitches - Part 17: Going Against the Flow";
publishedAt = "2015-05-04T10:01:43.000Z";
thumbnails = {
default = {
height = 90;
url = "";
width = 120;
high = {
height = 360;
url = "";
width = 480;
medium = {
height = 180;
url = "";
width = 320;
standard = {
height = 480;
url = "";
width = 640;
title = "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask With Glitches - Part 17: Going Against the Flow";
statistics = {
commentCount = 54;
dislikeCount = 3;
favoriteCount = 0;
likeCount = 265;
viewCount = 6356;
kind = "youtube#videoListResponse";
pageInfo = {
resultsPerPage = 1;
totalResults = 1;
} with error: nil

The object for the items key will be an array of info for each video id you passed in to the request.

By digging into this response, you will be able to get the information you need. For example:

if let items = jsonResult["items"] as? [AnyObject]? {

Will give you a dictionary of the video's statistics (where you can get the number of likes and the number of views).

commentCount = 54;
dislikeCount = 3;
favoriteCount = 0;
likeCount = 265;
viewCount = 6356;

This same approach can be used with live events.

Youtube Data Api v3

Once you have your Youtube Data API v3 key then use Videos: list endpoint this way: then in the answer the fields titleand thumbnails are what you are looking for.

How to use YouTube Data API v3 to search video duration with Search endpoint not Videos endpoint?

Unfortunately, want you want to achieve is not possible: the Search.list API endpoint does not return a video's duration property.

This behavior is in accordance with the official specs: the response of Search.list has its items property made of search resource objects. These objects does not provide much details about the respective API resources -- videos, channels or playlists.

When you obtain, upon a Search.list invocation, a list of video IDs, you may well ask the Videos.list API endpoint to provide any metadata pertaining to those videos -- including the duration property.

Do note that the Videos.list endpoint accepts its request parameter id to be a comma-separated list of at most 50 video IDs. Also note that (irrespective of the number of actual IDs passed on to id) the quota cost of one call to Videos.list is 1 unit (very cheap).

use YouTube Data API (v3) to update a video via API keys got a 401 error

According to the official doc you yourself quoted, for to invoke the Videos.update API endpoint, you need to be properly authorized:


This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes (read more about authentication and authorization).


Consequently, there's no way you can avoid using OAuth 2.0 authentication/authorization flow within you app. Note that API keys are used and useful for reading-only public data.

For the part of your question that says:

[...] it is impossible to open a browser window and make the user to do a oauth login and authorization in a quartz job [...]

the API has solutions. Do read the following two docs: OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps and Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications.

A brief, top-level description of what you'll have to do is provided by the answer I gave recently to a similar question. That answer may help you understand more easily the way to attain a solution to your problem.

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