How to Dynamically Create Sections in a Swiftui List/Foreach and Avoid "Unable to Infer Complex Closure Return Type"

How to dynamically create sections in a SwiftUI List/ForEach and avoid Unable to infer complex closure return type

In reference to my comment on your question, the data should be put into sections before being displayed.

The idea would be to have an array of objects, where each object contains an array of occurrences. So we simplify your occurrence object (for this example) and create the following:

struct Occurrence: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let start: Date
let title: String

Next we need an object to represent all the occurrences that occur on a given day. We'll call it a Day object, however the name is not too important for this example.

struct Day: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let title: String
let occurrences: [Occurrence]
let date: Date

So what we have to do is take an array of Occurrence objects and convert them into an array of Day objects.

I have created a simple struct that performs all the tasks that are needed to make this happen. Obviously you would want to modify this so that it matches the data that you have, but the crux of it is that you will have an array of Day objects that you can then easily display. I have added comments through the code so that you can clearly see what each thing is doing.

struct EventData {
let sections: [Day]

init() {
// create some events
let first = Occurrence(start: EventData.constructDate(day: 5, month: 5, year: 2019), title: "First Event")
let second = Occurrence(start: EventData.constructDate(day: 5, month: 5, year: 2019, hour: 10), title: "Second Event")
let third = Occurrence(start: EventData.constructDate(day: 5, month: 6, year: 2019), title: "Third Event")

// Create an array of the occurrence objects and then sort them
// this makes sure that they are in ascending date order
let events = [third, first, second].sorted { $0.start < $1.start }

// create a DateFormatter
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .none

// We use the Dictionary(grouping:) function so that all the events are
// group together, one downside of this is that the Dictionary keys may
// not be in order that we require, but we can fix that
let grouped = Dictionary(grouping: events) { (occurrence: Occurrence) -> String in
dateFormatter.string(from: occurrence.start)

// We now map over the dictionary and create our Day objects
// making sure to sort them on the date of the first object in the occurrences array
// You may want a protection for the date value but it would be
// unlikely that the occurrences array would be empty (but you never know)
// Then we want to sort them so that they are in the correct order
self.sections = { day -> Day in
Day(title: day.key, occurrences: day.value, date: day.value[0].start)
}.sorted { $ < $ }

/// This is a helper function to quickly create dates so that this code will work. You probably don't need this in your code.
static func constructDate(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int, hour: Int = 0, minute: Int = 0) -> Date {
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.year = year
dateComponents.month = month = day
dateComponents.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT")
dateComponents.hour = hour
dateComponents.minute = minute

// Create date from components
let userCalendar = Calendar.current // user calendar
let someDateTime = dateComponents)
return someDateTime!


This then allows the ContentView to simply be two nested ForEach.

struct ContentView: View {

// this mocks your data
let events = EventData()

var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(events.sections) { section in
Section(header: Text(section.title)) {
ForEach(section.occurrences) { occurrence in
NavigationLink(destination: OccurrenceDetail(occurrence: occurrence)) {
OccurrenceRow(occurrence: occurrence)

// These are sample views so that the code will work
struct OccurrenceDetail: View {
let occurrence: Occurrence

var body: some View {

struct OccurrenceRow: View {
let occurrence: Occurrence

var body: some View {

This is the end result.

Nested Views

SwiftUI Conditional List - Unable to infer complex closure return type

List expects a View returned for every item, using Group like that is a bit of a hack.

Better to move the logic out of the List, either

var filteredTasks: [Task] {
return tasks.filter { !self.toggleIsOn || !$0.completed.status }


List(filteredTasks) { task in


List(tasks.filter( { !self.toggleIsOn || !$0.completed.status })) { task in

How to create multiple sections based on array of objects with date?

To use in a ForEach your data should be Identifiable or there should be some way you can specify id.

struct ContentView: View {

var registrants:[Registration] = [Registration(name:"Joe", date:"12/15/2020"),Registration(name:"Billy", date:"11/12/2020"),Registration(name:"Cameron", date:"11/10/2020")]

var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(registrants) { (registration) in //<=Here
Section(header: Text( {
ForEach(0 ..< 5) { item in
Text("item \(item)")

struct Registration : Identifiable{ //<= here
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var date: String

Unable to infer complex closure return type with SwiftUI

The issue is not with the closure, but with the isFavorite property on landmark.

It is not declared on the Landmark type, and the compiler instead of showing the undeclared property error, unable to resolve the stacks build closure return type, so it shows and error there.

Great job Apple tutorial writers and even better one Xcode11 compiler.

To fix:

  1. Declare isFavorite variable on the Landmark type.
  2. Make sure you update the landmarkData.json for every landmark record with the isFavorite = false entry, otherwise the app will crash at runtime.

Unable to infer complex closure return type in capture list with multiple arguments

You need to provide an argument to the closure. It can just be _ in:

init() {
let food = Food()
let index = 0
food.foodWasEaten = { [weak self, weak food, index] _ in
if let self = self,
let food = food {
self.foodWasEaten(food: food, index: index)

Alternatively, if you don't need a parameter in your closure, you can change the type of your closure:

class Food {
var foodWasEaten: (() -> ())?

Then you can use your original approach:

food.foodWasEaten = { [weak self, weak food, index] in ...

SwiftUI Nested ForEach causes unexpected ordering

It fails due to non-unique identifiers for rows. It is used index, but it is repeated in different sections, so List row reuse caching engine confused.

In the described scenario it should be selected something unique for items that are shown in rows, like (scratchy)

ForEach( { round in  // make round identifiable
// ...
ForEach( { player in // make player identifiable

and rounds ids should not overlap with player ids as well.

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