How to Change Height of Navigation Bar - Swift 3

How can I change height of Navigation Bar - Swift 3

UPDATE 8/3/20: I posted this in 2016. A number of people have stated this no longer works so please use at your own risk. I am not working in iOS at the moment so I do not have an update handy. Best of luck!

Here is one way to do it:

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let height: CGFloat = 50 //whatever height you want to add to the existing height
let bounds = self.navigationController!.navigationBar.bounds
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height + height)


Change height of navigation bar ios

The hierarchy of UINavigationBar view is private so we can't manipulate it.We create our custom view and add into a Viewcontroller.

Change Navigation Bar Height

I dont think you can change size of navigationBar.
But this is how would i recommend you to do it.

  1. Remove default navigation bar.

  2. Create a view which is similar to a navigation bar like you design add constrains> leading,trailing,top and height for that
    view. so basicly pin it to top, left and right with your design's

  3. Add 2 buttons left and right if needed which would look similar to navigation bar. add button constrains> leading, top, bottom and
    width for left one and trailing,top, bottom and width right one.
  4. Add a UILabel which would be your navigation bar title., add label constrains leading with left button, trailing with right button, top
    and bottom with navigation view you created. Make uilabel text

Here you go u have your custom navigation bar.
On each controller all u have to do is CMD+C and CMD+V on the other controller add leading,trailing and top constrains.
Hope it helped.
Sample Image

How to create and change size height navigation bar iOS 11

I think you can't change it - not supported anymore. Here's the quote from Apple staff

Resizing the navigation bar (via any method, including subclassing) is
not supported, and neither is changing the frame of a navigation bar
that is owned by a UINavigationController (the navigation controller
will happily stomp on your frame changes whenever it deems fit to do
so). The navigation bar needs to be placed on the bottom edge of
the status bar, not underlapping the status bar, and with its natural
height.Finally, the internal layout of the
navigation bar is an implementation detail including all class names
and orderings
. Any code that relies upon the ordering of the
navigation bar's subviews or the names of any of their classes is
likely to encounter issues in the future, as these are all private
details. Please do not rely upon them. If there are things you want to
do with a navigation bar that you cannot

A walk around is to use the image view then change its height.

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