How to Authorize Twitter with Swifter

How to Authorize Twitter with Swifter

Maybe you have found an answer, but I am writing here for those who are still looking for it.

swifter.authorizeWithCallbackURL(NSURL(string: "swifter://success")!, success: {
(accessToken: SwifterCredential.OAuthAccessToken?, response: NSURLResponse) in

println("Access Token key \(accessToken?.key)")
println("Access Token secret\(accessToken?.secret)")
//Save the values that you need in NSUserDefaults
failure: failureHandler)

You can use any callbackURL that you like. But for your app to respond to this URL you must do some changes. In the AppDelegate class add the following. Don't forget to import SwifteriOS

func application(application: UIApplication!, openURL url: NSURL!, sourceApplication: String!, annotation: AnyObject!) -> Bool {

return true

Now click on your project in the Project Explorer, select the info tab. At the bottom you will see URL Types. Expand it and click the plus sign. In the URL Schemes enter your callbackURL scheme. In this example its swifter and in identifier write your app identifier.

Now in any other ViewController you need to call following before you can call any API that need Authentication.

required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {

var oauthToken : String = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("oauth_token") as String
var oauthTokenSecret : String = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().valueForKey("oauth_secret") as String

self.swifter = Swifter(consumerKey: Twitter["consumerKey"]!, consumerSecret: Twitter["consumerSecret"]!, oauthToken: oauthToken, oauthTokenSecret: oauthTokenSecret)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)

After this you can send message, post a tweet, create friendship etc.

Access Twitter using Swift

Update 02-03-2015

You need to authenticate with the server using App Only Authentication rather than passing in an OAuth Token.

As well as this, you are also not requesting status' with userId correctly as you are passing in the user's screen name. You need to obtain the user id with the username and then request for status'.

The complete working code is below:

required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.swifter = Swifter(consumerKey: "cKEY", consumerSecret: "cSECRET", appOnly: true)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)

self.swifter.authorizeAppOnlyWithSuccess({ (accessToken, response) -> Void in
self.twitterIsAuthenticated = true
}, failure: { (error) -> Void in
println("Error Authenticating: \(error.localizedDescription)")

@IBAction func getUserButtonPressed(sender: UIButton?) {
if (self.twitterIsAuthenticated) {
} else {
// Authenticate twitter again.

func getTwitterUserWithName(userName: String) {
self.swifter.getUsersShowWithScreenName(userName, includeEntities: true, success: { (user) -> Void in
if let userDict = user {
if let userId = userDict["id_str"] {
}, failure: failureHandler)

func getTwitterStatusWithUserId(idString: String) {
let failureHandler: ((error: NSError) -> Void) = {
error in
println("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

self.swifter.getStatusesUserTimelineWithUserID(idString, count: 20, sinceID: nil, maxID: nil, trimUser: true, contributorDetails: false, includeEntities: true, success: {
(statuses: [JSONValue]?) in

if statuses != nil {
self.tweets = statuses

}, failure: failureHandler)

It looks as though you are not Authenticating with the server.

From your code I can see you are using OAuth authentication initialisation but are failing to call the authenticate function.

swifter.authorizeWithCallbackURL(callbackURL, success: {
(accessToken: SwifterCredential.OAuthAccessToken?, response: NSURLResponse) in

// Handle success

failure: {
(error: NSError) in

// Handle Failure


Add this in and then call your getTwitterTimeline() afterwards.

I hope this helps

Swifter Twitter Set Up

After some more playing around with it, it seems like import SwifteriOS has been renamed to just import Swifter. This got rid of any compile errors that I had. I also ended up deleting the Swifter.framework from all three spots in the photo above with no issues.

I think the docs may be a little bit outdated as well as the example project! Hope this helped someone else!

New Twitter update authentication

So i found the solution. In you app, in the authentication function, your callback url should be something like MyTwitter://success but in you have to make it MyTwitter:// without the second part

How to authenticate using the installed Twitter app

This flow seems to have not been officially supported since the retirement of TwitterKit on May 1, 2018. Any applications that still offer this functionality to their end users likely have some sort of partnership with Twitter to allow for this which is otherwise undocumented publicly.

The reasoning for this was detailed sparsely in a related Twitter Developer Forums thread:

Unfortunately at this time we have had to make some incremental adjustments that are not so smooth for everyone; especially as you’ve found, for mobile app developers. We’re in the middle of a transition to a new API platform (via Twitter Developer Labs) and there will be some changes as we go along - we are asking for your feedback to help us, and if you check the ideas, authentication and authorization is something we’ve heard a lot about.

I cannot tell you today exactly when we’ll get to an enhanced solution, but this is something we are actively working on.

Direct link

The official guidance is to use the traditional WebView method until Twitter officially re-releases this capability:

I don’t believe that this is possible any longer, so I would encourage you to use the full OAuth flow. I apologise that this may not be what your users prefer, but this is the documented way to gain authorisation (we do not document or support URL schemes for the native iOS app).

Direct link

We do not support or document any means of users signing in to Twitter outside of the OAuth flow; any use of undocumented features is subject to change without notice.

Direct link

As linked above Twitter appears to be soliciting feedback on this via their UserVoice page, should you feel so inclined to suggest the re-implementation of such a feature.

Log in with Twitter, now that Twitter Kit is gone

In the list of Twitter libraries you can find that Twitter recommend to use Swifter or you can do OAuth Log in with Twitter authorization using ASWebAuthenticationSession.

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