Google Signin Cocoapods Deprecated

iOS CocoaPod warning - Google has been deprecated - when using pod 'Google/SignIn'

Google's iOS pods got separated. You should use GoogleSignIn, which has the same functionality and Google still supports it.

You should simply remove the slash, like this:

pod 'GoogleSignIn'

Cocoapods iOS - [!] Google has been deprecated - How to get rid of the warning?

Change pod 'Google/Analytics' to pod 'GoogleAnalytics' removing the slash.

pod Google/SignIn vs pod GoogleSignIn

I could make it work with:

pod 'Google/SignIn'
pod 'GoogleSignIn', '~> 4.0'
pod 'Google', '~> 3.0'

The pod 'Google/SignIn' is just to pass the check, since it is an older version then GoogleSignIn then it will be ignored by pod.

You'll need pod 'Google', '~> 3.0' also.

With this you can use Google Sign 4.0+ with no errors.

React Native (EXPO) Google Sign in - build fails IOS

I fixed the problem by remove this dependency in package.json (Deprecated expo google sign in):

"expo-google-sign-in": "^11.0.0",

iOS - Issue with Google Sign-In library

You can download the video from following link:-

Video Link

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