Framework Not Found' in Xcode

Framework not found' in Xcode

Try deleting Bolts.framework from linked framework and re-add it. Also, in your Framework Search Path keep path until Bolts.framework like $(PROJECT_DIR)/Bolts if it is inside Bolts folder at your project directory path.

ld: framework not found Pods

In Project Navigator in the folder Pods I had a Pods.framework in there which was red. It was also present in Linked Frameworks and Libraries. I removed both references and the error disappeared.


Remove Pods.framework in:

  • Folder named Pods
  • Linked Frameworks and Libraries

Framework not found FirebaseInstanceID on Xcode

After 12 hours of constantly going through the DOCs of Firebase and implementing every answers on Stack Overflow I managed to eradicate this error. Below steps are what I did for this:

  1. The framework mentioned above isn't included in the PODs which I have installed. So you need to explicitly download the framework from

  2. Once the SDK is downloaded, firstly clear the DerivedData by going to Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data. Move into that directory and delete the DerivedData folder.

  3. Delete Podfile.lock and Pods folder and do pod init and pod install.

  4. Open XCode and copy the path of framework SDK that you downloaded. For me it is: /user/Downloads/Firebase/FirebaseMessaging/FirebaseInstanceID.xcframework/ios-i386_x86_64-simulator and copy this in Framework Search Paths which is under Build Settings.

  5. Drag and drop the folder named FirebaseInstanceID.framework into Frameworks list as shown in second image of the question(left side).

Framework not found FIRAnalyticsConnector from Xcode 12.4

Go to your project's target Build Settings > Search FIRAnalyticsConnector .

You will see Other Linker Flags.

Remove these lines below:


Now, It should work as expected.

XCode: framework not found

My problem was that framework and its Header file had different names.
It was (for example): framework - FoodCourtDB.framework, header - FoodCourt.h ;
It become: FoodCourt.framework, FoodCourt.h

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