Enterprise App Deployment Doesn't Install on iOS 8.1.3

iOS 8.1.3 - Enterprise distribution not working

Ok, so I found a hacky way around this bug. If I change the bundle ID in the manifest file to something different, such as adding "-ios8fix" or something to the end, then it'll install. It doesn't look as nice, since during the installation there's a second app icon on the screen. But once the installation is finished, the second icon disappears.

One benefit of doing it this way though, is that if the installation fails the user can still use the old version of the app, since there'll temporarily be 2 icons, one for the old version, and one for the update...

Enterprise App Update Distribution on iOS 8

I've also encountered this problem with our app distribution. We were able to fix this issue by 'faking' the bundle identifier inside the .plist using for download distribution, keeping our ipa bundle identifier the same.

For example, in your plist:


change com.mycom.MyApp to com.mycom.MyApp.ios8fix

The app will be installed using a new app icon, which will disappear after install.

If you already have an install of the app, you will even see a new app icon during install. After the installation this icon disappears, but your already existing version of the app will be updated.
With a clean install the installation icon will disappear and the installed application icon will appear in place.

It looks like iOS 8 is caching the bundle identifiers and compares the requested installs with these cached ones. Most of the times you'll only see an popup asking for install, but nothing happens.

As Sean already noticed, this appears with xCode 6 GM and the official iOS 8 version. Devices which never installed your application before will have no problems to install the app.

iOS Enterprise App: Distribute Over the air : Untrusted Enterprise Developer

In general settings of your iphone you could see Device management. Move into the section and trust your enterprise developer account.

iOS 8.1.3 - Enterprise Distribution - Application is missing the application-identifier entitlement

The application-identifier entitlement is not formatted correctly;

It should contain your 10-character App ID Seed, followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:


iPhone app will will not install from webpage (enterprise developer)

Ended up using a workaround for now - by utilizing the https of Dropbox. Still investigating as to why hosting it internally (on https site) won't work, but in the meantime the process I outlined above has worked but using an external server (not ideal!).

Over the air (OTA) installation fails for iOS8 app using itms-services URL

This seems to be a bug in the Beta5 and GM versions of iOS8.

Over at Buildozer we've found a workaround: change the bundle identifier of the app in the manifest file. (More details: https://buildozer.io/ios8)

A workaround that doesn't involve changing the manifest files is to restore the entire device from backup, however we feel the manifest 'hack' is less disruptive to users.

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