Dealing with iPad Mini Screen Size

Dealing with iPad Mini screen size

If your app works on an iPad 1 or an iPad 2 it will work as-is on the new iPad mini. There is no retina display on the mini. From an app's perspective it's identical to the iPad 2.

Edit: It was asked how to determine when an app is running on an iPad mini. There is no API check for this. The screen size doesn't help. UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() doesn't help. Until someone actually has one, there is no way to know if the UIScreenMode pixelAspectRatio is any different (probably it's the same as the iPad 2).

This leaves only one possibility - to get the machine from uname() and hardcode a check against this value. This is never a desired approach. And as of this writing, we don't know what the value will be. Perhaps iPad5,x assuming the 4th gen iPad is iPad4,x.

Edit: So far I've seen a report that the iPad mini returns iPad2,5 (yes, that's a two comma five) as well as iPad2,6 and iPad2,7 for the machine name.

what is the iPad mini screen resolution or frame size?

screen resolution for IPAD mini is 1,024×768

How to check if device is Ipad mini

This answer contains a link to an utility method to get a "platform string" that can be used to identify the various iOS devices. I copy the main method here for your convenience:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

- (NSString *) platform {
size_t size;
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
char *machine = malloc(size);
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", machine, &size, NULL, 0);
NSString *platform = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:machine];
return platform;

According to Models - The iPhone Wiki, the return value of platform is one of

  • iPad2,5
  • iPad2,6
  • iPad2,7

for an iPad mini.

Auto layout 3.5 - 4 inch screen as well as ipad mini to normal?

The reason for resizing with the 3.5-4 inch screens is due to a changed aspect ratio. With iPad and iPad mini, they have the same aspect ratio (4:3), so the screens are functionally the same. Unless you're altering the view based on autorotation, there's technically no need to use autolayout.

Detecting and dealing with increased screen size via accessibility

You can override default system scaling if you absolutely have to via:

return MaterialApp(
builder: (context, child) => MediaQuery(
// or whatever `textScaleFactor` you want
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0)
child: child ?? SizedBox.shrink(),

// ... the rest of your MaterialApp setup

... but you shouldn't, ESPECIALLY given your target audience are visually impaired and you should instead be fixing your app and accommodating responsive UI to handle such use cases.

Why iPad show small screen size

If an app is truly universal, it will have seperate views for both iPad and iPhone.

If you're seeing a small screen on the iPad, it's because there is no View defined for the iPad. Therefore, it's not universal.

Here is the run down:

  • All applications built for the iPad and iPhone are built on a
    platform called iOS.

  • An application built for the iPhone can run on the iPod Touch,
    iPhone and iPad.

  • An application built for the iPad can only run on the iPad.

  • Because the iPad allows you to run pretty much any iOS application, it will allow you to find them in the app store.

Now just because an app runs on the iPad, it doesn't mean that it's built for the iPad.

If you are seeing an application on the iPad with a very small View that doesn't fit, it's because that app is specifically made for the iPhone.

Now there are these special cases - apps that are Universal. These Universal apps are specially designed to be used effectively on both iPhone and iPad. For each iPhone View, there's an iPad View. You'll know if an application is Universal because it'll have a + sign in the top right corner of the application icon.

A Universal app always looks the right screen size, whether on iPad or iPhone.

I hope this helps you.

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