Coretelephony Esim Functions Not Working on Device

CoreTelephony eSIM functions not working on device

So... after a lot of trial an error I was able to solve this little issue.

There are 2 things to know about supportsCellularPlan() (other then having the eSIM entitlements of course).


You need to have WiFi enabled for it to work as it seems to need to connect with Apple for some checks.


It requires the CarrierDescriptors to be entered correctly in your info.plist as it is carrier-bound.

Once you have that, it should work as expected.

(eSIM Integration iOS) How to use restricted API addPlan to enable e-sim profile in iOS device

With this process, you can integrate eSIM functionality into your iOS app.

Step 1

Request for eSIM entitlement using your developer account
Request from here

Step 2

Apple will approve the entitlement after some time (For me it took months)
You can check if Apple has approved the entitlement from your app profile setting
App profile setting (Certificate manager)

Step 3

Download the App Dev and Distribution profile (By selecting eSIM entitlement as Step #2).

Step 4

Update your info.plist with below keys and value


<key>MCC</key> //Mobile country code
<string>’mnc value’</string>
<key>MNC</key> // Mobile network code
<string>’mnc value’</string>

Step 5 (Could be optional)

Update your {appname}.entitlements with below key and value


Step 6 Code to Add eSIM profile

 let ctpr = CTCellularPlanProvisioningRequest()
ctpr.address = "Your eSIM profile address"
ctpr.matchingID = "Confirmation id"

if #available(iOS 12.0, *) {
let ctcp = CTCellularPlanProvisioning()
ctcp.addPlan(with: ctpr) { (result) in
switch result {
case .unknown:
self.showGenericSingleButtonCustomAlert(description: "Sorry unknown error")
case .fail:
self.showGenericSingleButtonCustomAlert(description: "Oops! something went wrong")
case .success:
self.showGenericSingleButtonCustomAlert(description: "Yay! eSIM installed successfully")
@unknown default:
self.showGenericSingleButtonCustomAlert(description: "Oops! something went wrong")

Core telephony CTCarrier and isoCountryCode. How to get user's current cellular provider's country?

As the documentation explains:


In this context, the “home” provider is the one with which the user has a cellular plan, as opposed to a roaming provider.

So, you will always get FR, even when roaming, if your home provider is in France.

The reason there are two possible values is that iPhones now support up to two sims; One physical and one e-SIM, so there may be two different cellular providers on a phone.

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