Converting Escaped Utf8 Characters Back to Their Original Form

Convert escaped Unicode character back to actual character


str = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(str);

from Apache Commons Lang

Convert escaped Unicode character back to actual character in PostgreSQL

One old trick is using parser for this purpose:

postgres=# select e'Telefon\u00ED kontakty';
Telefoní kontakty
(1 row)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.unescape(text)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
DECLARE result text;
EXECUTE format('SELECT e''%s''', $1) INTO result;
RETURN result;

It works, but it is SQL injection vulnerable - so you should to sanitize input text first!

Here is less readable, but safe version - but you have to manually specify one char as escape symbol:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.unescape(text, text) 
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
DECLARE result text;
quote_literal(replace($1, '\u','^')),
quote_literal($2)) INTO result;
RETURN result;


postgres=# select unescape('Odpov\u011Bdn\u00E1 osoba','^');
Odpovědná osoba
(1 row)

How can I convert a String in ASCII(Unicode Escaped) to Unicode(UTF-8) if I am reading from a file?

final String str = new String("Diogo Pi\u00e7arra - Tu E Eu".getBytes(), 


Sample Image

Try to use getBytes() method without parameters (defaultCharset will be used here). But it's not necessary. The conversion is not required:

final String str = "Diogo Pi\u00e7arra - Tu E Eu";

You'll have same result.

How to escape unicode special chars in string and write it to UTF encoded file

Another solution, not relying on the built-in repr() but rather implementing it from scratch:

orig = 'Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Dokumente erfolgreich in System eingereicht wurden, und löschen Sie dann die tatsächlichen Dokumente.'

enc = re.sub('[^ -~]', lambda m: '\\u%04X' % ord(m[0]), orig)



  • Encodes only using \u, never any other sequence, whereas repr() uses about a third of the alphabet (so for example the BEL character will be encoded as \u0007 rather than \a)
  • Upper-case encoding, as specified (\u00FC rather than \u00fc)
  • Does not handle unicode characters outside plane 0 (could be extended easily, given a spec for how those should be represented)
  • It does not take care of any pre-existing \u sequences, whereas repr() turns those into \\u; could be extended, perhaps to encode \ as \u005C:
    enc = re.sub(r'[^ -[\]-~]', lambda m: '\\u%04X' % ord(m[0]), orig)

Automatically escape unicode characters

After digging into some documentation about iconv, I think you can accomplish this using only the base package. But you need to pay extra attention to the encoding of the string.

On a system with UTF-8 encoding:

> stri_escape_unicode("你好世界")
[1] "\\u4f60\\u597d\\u4e16\\u754c"

# use big endian
> iconv(x, "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", toRaw=T)
[1] 4f 60 59 7d 4e 16 75 4c

> x <- "•"
> iconv(x, "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", toRaw=T)
[1] 20 22

But, if you are on a system with latin1 encoding, things may go wrong.

> x <- "•"
> y <- "\u2022"
> identical(x, y)
> stri_escape_unicode(x)
[1] "\\u0095" # <- oops!

# culprit
> Encoding(x)
[1] "latin1"

# and it causes problem for iconv
> iconv(x, Encoding(x), "Unicode")
Error in iconv(x, Encoding(x), "Unicode") :
unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'Unicode' in codepage 1252
> iconv(x, Encoding(x), "UTF-16BE")
Error in iconv(x, Encoding(x), "UTF-16BE") :
embedded nul in string: '\0•'

It is safer to cast the string into UTF-8 before converting to Unicode:

> iconv(enc2utf8(enc2native(x)), "UTF-8", "UTF-16BE", toRaw=T)
[1] 20 22

EDIT: This may cause some problems for strings already in UTF-8 encoding on some particular systems. Maybe it's safer to check the encoding before conversion.

> Encoding("•")
[1] "latin1"
> enc2native("•")
[1] "•"
> enc2native("\u2022")
[1] "•"
# on a Windows with default latin1 encoding
> Encoding("测试")
[1] "UTF-8"
> enc2native("测试")
[1] "" # <- BAD!

For some characters or lanuages, UTF-16 may not be enough. So probably you should be using UTF-32 since

The UTF-32 form of a character is a direct representation of its codepoint.

Based on above trial and error, below is probably one safer escape function we can write:

unicode_escape <- function(x, endian="big") {
if (Encoding(x) != 'UTF-8') {
x <- enc2utf8(enc2native(x))
to.enc <- ifelse(endian == 'big', 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-32LE')

bytes <- strtoi(unlist(iconv(x, "UTF-8", "UTF-32BE", toRaw=T)), base=16)
# there may be some better way to do thibs.
runes <- matrix(bytes, nrow=4)
escaped <- apply(runes, 2, function(rb) {
nonzero.bytes <- rb[rb > 0]
ifelse(length(nonzero.bytes) > 1,
# convert back to hex
paste("\\u", paste(as.hexmode(nonzero.bytes), collapse=""), sep=""),
paste(escaped, collapse="")


> unicode_escape("•••ERROR!!!•••")
[1] "\\u2022\\u2022\\u2022ERROR!!!\\u2022\\u2022\\u2022"
> unicode_escape("Hello word! 你好世界!")
[1] "Hello word! \\u4f60\\u597d\\u4e16\\u754c!"
> "\u4f60\u597d\u4e16\u754c"
[1] "你好世界"

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