Why Am I Seeing a 404 (Not Found) Error Failed to Load Favicon.Ico When Not Using This

Why am I seeing a 404 (Not Found) error failed to load favicon.ico when not using this?

Google favicon generator and make an icon. Name it favicon.ico and drop it in your webroot.

See if this helps.

Also here is a tutorial on favicon: https://www.w3.org/2005/10/howto-favicon

I'm getting favicon.ico error

I have had this error for some time as well. It might be some kind of netbeans bug that has to do with netbeans connector. I can't find any mention of favicon.ico in my code or in the project settings.

I was able to fix it by putting the following line in the head section of my html file

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#">

I am currently using this in my testing environment, but I would remove it for any production environment.

Get `favicon.ico` error, but can not find it in the code

This is normal. No matter if you declared it or not in your code, Chrome will try will try to fetch favicon.ico at the root of your site to display it in your tab. In your case it will try to fetch: http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico

All browsers will do this except SeaMonkey according to Wikipedia article on Favicon

In the old days, this was the standard way of personalizing the browser icon. Now there is a ton of possible icons you can set for various devices: https://stackoverflow.com/a/26768184/1375487

Also, you can check this answer as it suggests ways to prevent that auto-fetch: https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/a/34572

In any case, the best practice would be to set a favicon.ico for your project.

Favicon error 404 for local and remote, favicon.ico directory automatically generated in git repo

My problem was a directory structure problem, and a lack of undertanding of where the root is. Based on @GracefulRestart's suggestion, I moved /favicon from the top-level directory to /static, which is functioning as the website root.

So, the broken configuration was:

-- /favicon
-- favicon.ico
-- manifest.json
-- /static
-- index.html
-- manifest.webmanifest

Moving /favicon into /static fixed the problem:

-- /static
-- index.html
-- manifest.webmanifest
-- /favicon
-- favicon.ico
-- manifest.json

Still not 100% sure how and why a /favicon.ico directory was automatically generated in the first, broken configuration.

favicon.ico results in 404 error in flask app

By default, the flask will only serve files on the /static endpoint. You can add a custom view to handle the default /favicon request.

The flask documentation has some more information on this subject:


import os 
from flask import send_from_directory

def favicon():
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), 'favicon.ico', mimetype='image/vnd.microsoft.icon')

Running a local server for javascript but still not able to load favicon images

The error states that in the root project favicon.ico file doesn't exist, so grab a copy of favicon.ico and put it in your root project directory.

favicon.ico not found when using Areas in ASP.NET Core

You should move the UseStaticFiles() above the UseRouting() call.

Since middleware executes from top to bottom, in your case UseRouting is called first. When the UseRouting middleware executes, it determines the route to call based on the endpoint mappings that you passed to UseEndpoints. So it sees the route /favicon.ico and tries to match it with one of your MVC routes ultimately picking favicon.ico as the name of an area (so the full route would have been /favicon.ico/Home/Index. And for that, ASP.NET Core obviously cannot find a matching view.

But what you want to do instead is have the static files middleware execute first so that it serves all the static files it can find before it attempts to parse the remaining routes as MVC routes.

So just move the UseStaticFiles() call up:


app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "areas",
pattern: "{area}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

name: "default",
pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

You might also want to move the static files before authentication to make sure thtat all users can also access your static files.

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